50 Evil Names for Guys

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1} Azazel - The angel of death also meaning 'scapegoat' and 'entire removal'

2} Samel - Name of a Jewish fallen angel ☆

3} Nazar - Means 'evil eye stone'

4} Seth - The name of the evil ancient God Chaos. Means 'one who dazzles'

5} Ciaran - An Irish name meaning 'black'

6} Dolan - An Irish name meaning 'black haired' ☆

7} Dargan - Another Irish name meaning 'black haired'

8} Kolby - Of old Norse origins meaning 'dark haired' ☆

9} Douglas - A Celtic name meaning 'dark stranger' ☆

10} Cole - An English name meaning 'swarthy' and 'coal black'

11} Donovan - Meaning 'dark- or brown-haired chieftain' in Gaelic

12} Duncan - Scottish name for 'dark warrior'

13} Kieran - Means 'black' in Gaelic

14} Colgate - Meaning 'dark gate' in old English

15} Bates - From Psycho 

16} Chucky - From Child Play

17} Dexter - From Dexter ☆

18} Damian - According to the movie it means the son of the devil however there is no proof of that other than the name sounds like demon. ☆

19} Hannibal - From Silence of the Lambs

20} Norman - From Psycho ☆

21} Romero - After the director of Night of the Living Dead

22} Vlad - Another name for Dracula 

23} Salem - Salem Witch Trials ☆

24} Jack - From The Shining

25} Lucifer - The devil

26} Hades - Greek God of the underworld

27} Ash - Meaning 'under the ash tree' ☆

28} Oberon - From Shakespeare's play Fairy King

29} Dante - After Dante Alighieri who wrote Inferno, a old book theorizing about hell and the journey to get though it. ☆

30} Corbin - Meaning 'raven'

31} Drake- Means 'dragon

32} Eoghan - Means 'Young warrior'

33} Onyx - Meaning 'black'

34} Talon - Means 'claw' in English

35} Bran - Welsh for 'raven'

36}  Rainn - Meaning 'rain'

37} Tempest - Means 'stormy' in old English

38} Zephyr - Means 'wind' in Greek

39} Jasper - Persian for 'bringer of treasure'

40} Hemlock - A poison 

41} Draven - Can mean 'child of beautiful shadows' 'the crow' 'raven' and 'avenger'

42} Mort(e) - French for dead 

43} Vespers - Catholic morning prayers

44} Euric - Means 'bold ruler'

45} Elon - 'spirit'

46} Daman - Celtic for 'demon'

47} Queran - Irish for 'dark'

48} Wolfgang - German for 'advancing wolf' as well the first name of composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. ☆

49} Weylin - Celtic for 'son of the wolf

50} Alastor - Demon regarded as the executioner 

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