50 Latin Names for Girls

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1} Adrianna - Woman from Adria

2} Aurora - Sunrise ☆

3} Abby - Head of monastery 

4} Accalia - Foster mother to Remus and Romulus ☆

5} Carnia - Beloved, dear

6} Beatrice - Happy, Bringer of joy

7} Fawn - Baby dear

8} Livia - The olive ☆

9} Maxine - The greatest

10} Rain - Ruler

11} Rosanne - Gracious rose

12} Vera- Truth, faith

13} Olivia - Symbol of peace

14} Portia - Gift, offering

15} Jill - Young child

16} Laura - Laurel leaves, honour, fame

17} Kira - Light, sun

18} Dabrina - Angel name

19} Deanna - Presiding official, valley

20} Delicia - Delightful one

21} Desiree - Crave, desire

22} Esme - Esteem ☆

23} Amy - Beloved

24} Anabella - Lovely grace

25} Cara - Dear, diamond ☆

26} Claire - Bright, shinning, clear ☆

27} Constance - Faithful, firmness

28} Ivory - White as Ivory

29} Joyce - Rejoicing

30} Jinx - A charm

31} Messina - Middle child

32} Natalie - Birthday, Child born on Christmas

33} Myra - Wonderful, quiet song  ☆

34} Nova - New

35} Silvia - Woodland maid

36} Terra - Earth

37} Vivian - Living, Lively

38} Panya - Crown of laurel, mouse, small child

39} Risa - Laughing ones

40} Sheila - Blind

41} Rosemary - Dew of the sea

42} Lucille - Light

43} Luna - Moon ☆

44} Maureen - Great, little Mary, dark haired ☆

45} Felicia - Happy ☆

46} Flora - Flower

47} Gillian - Downy haired

48} Gemma - Jewel

49} Grace - Grace, blessing

50} Hilary - Cheerful

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