6. You Don't Know Him (Edited)

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"Okay, sooo – protein synthesis. First you have to translate the DNA into mRNA – you remember what that is right?" I asked, looking up from my biology book to see that Aiden was not listening at all, but staring off into the distance, eyeing some girl from across the room. "Hey!" I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

He groaned and turned to me, his eyes drooping lazily. "What'd you say?"

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.

Don't kill him. Don't kill him. Don't kill him.

I opened my eyes, sighing, and trying to resist the urge to strangle him. "Protein synthesis?"

He stared at me with a blank face, eyebrows raised like I was an idiot, as I rolled my eyes. This boy was a lost cause. A lost cause. He literally has the attention span of a toddler! How the heck am I supposed to teach him Biology?! The only thing you can teach a toddler is not to pick their nose or eat people's hair!

"Am I supposed to know what that is?" he said, leaning forward towards me, his elbows on the table, arms cross. I could practically see the smugness in his face as the corners of his lips turned up slightly.

"No, I'm just sitting here trying to teach it to you even though you're not going to need it." I replied sarcastically, ready to smack him as that stupid smirk appeared again.

He shook his head, grinning, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms behind his head. "That was pretty cute,"

I narrowed my eyes at him, cocking my head to the side slightly. "I'm going to pummel you."

The smirk immediately returned as he sat up, resuming ghis previous position, staring at me dead set in the eyes, as if he was silently challenging me, before he whispered, "... I dare you."

You dare me, huh? Okay, Aiden Parker, I can do dares.

I grabbed my eight-pound biology book and began smacking him in the arm with it.

"Do you." smack. "Think." smack. "I'm – !"

"Okay, okay, okay!" he cried shielding himself with his arms, as I set my book down, looking around at all the glares I was receiving from fellow tutors. "Who knew someone so tiny could be so vicious?!"

"Oh, you haven't even seen close to vicious."

A sly smile appeared on his face as he set his elbows on the table and leaned his face extremely close to mine, close enough that if he leaned in a few more inches we'd probably be kissing.


"Really?" I could practically hear the smugness in his voice. This boy just loves getting on my nerves, doesn't he? He gets suck a kick out of it.

"You need to back it up there, buddy." I said.

"What's the matter? Afraid of a little kissing action? Come on, who can resist this?" he smirked, gesturing towards his physique, which was in no way comparable to Evan. Sure, Aiden was fit and athletic, but Evan was way more attractive. Besides, Evan doesn't go around touting how attractive he is either. He has a sort of quiet confidence about him.

I glared at Aiden, hoping my evil glare would be enough to shut him up, but unfortunately it was not. Instead of him shutting up he just kept on blabbering.

"Oh, I see what this is." he chuckled as if something had just dawned on him.

I raised my eyebrows. "And what exactly is that?"

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