27. Conspicuous (Edited)

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I let out a breath, and the first thing that hit me was the smell. That smell that I had come to love, the fresh smell of crisp mint and musk. A smell that only Aiden had, and one that only he could pull off. I felt myself sigh in content as my eyes fluttered open, and the sight in front of me tugged at my heartstrings. Aiden had fallen asleep, his head leaning against my bed. It seemed that the both of us had fallen asleep on the floor, wrapped in each other's arms.

I lifted my head off his shoulder, and I felt him shift. He groaned, his chest pushing out as he took a deep breath and his eyes fluttered open. I was greeted with the sight of those amazing brown eyes and I realized that as I sat there and took it all in, I could get used to seeing this. To seeing Aiden wake up next to me. It made my heart melt.

His head turned to look at me, still leaning against my bed, as I did the same, leaning my head against the bed and turning, so that we were both gazing into each other's eyes. Aiden's eyes wandered around, as if he was searching mine for something hidden.

"Hey," he rasped, his voice husky and deep, and I felt my insides churn. I felt my stomach flip upside down, and the butterflies flutter around inside.

"Hi," I smiled faintly as I stared into his eyes, just as he stared into mine.

I could feel something different between us. Something about last night had silently confirmed some feeling deep within the both of us. And I could feel it in the air. I could feel the electricity and shockwaves buzzing through the air, buzzing through the space between us...waiting to be ignited. Some part of me, deep inside, knew what this newfound energy was, knew what this newfound feeling was between us. And that same deep part within me, wanted to feel that energy even stronger than before. If there was ever a moment where I could feel that connection between Aiden and I before, now I could feel it even stronger. It was like he and I were connected through more than just our feelings for each other. In that moment, I could feel my body reacting to his presence. For the first time, I didn't deny to myself the fact that I was attracted to this boy, more than I'd like to admit.

I could tell that something shifted inside of Aiden, because I saw his eyes light up when he looked at me, a twinkle in his brown eyes that I'd never seen before, and suddenly his eyes were no longer on mine, but flickering towards my lips.

And that was when I really felt the atmosphere shift between us.

He started shifting forward, his lips coming ever so closer to mine, and all I could do was stare, stare at his lips coming closer and closer to mine with nothing but fear and excitement churning inside me. I had never been kissed before, not even a peck on the lips, so was this the moment? Was this the moment I was going to be kissed, hidden away in my bedroom with a boy I never thought I would have feelings for?

At last, when the space was as small as it could get between us, when our lips were mere centimeters apart, and my breath got caught in my throat, I knew the moment was going to happen. I knew I was about to have—


It was like a slap to the face, a splash of cold water that brought me back into reality. I snapped my head towards the door, the sound of my father's pounding footsteps making their way up the stairs, and I suddenly felt my heart beating outside my chest.

"Shiiit!" Aiden hissed, abruptly standing up next to me, as we turned to look at each other, the panic written across both of our faces.

"Hey kiddo! You awake?!"

I shoved Aiden's chest in the direction of my closet, without a second thought.

"What—Em—?!" Aiden looked at me like I was insane as I continued to shove him towards the closet. I could feel his muscles tighten beneath his t—shirt and I suddenly felt my face go red, but I just played it off.

Now is not the time to be feeling Aiden up, Emery! Your dad is about to catch you red handed with a boy in your bedroom! Do you know what he's going to think of you?! He will never let you live this down! He will never let you step foot outside of this house if he finds out that Aiden stayed the night, let alone in your room!

"Get in the closet!" I panicked, continuing to push him, but he wasn't budging.

Aiden stared at me, as I pleaded with my eyes, before he sighed in defeat. "Damn it!" he hissed, gritting his teeth together and climbing inside my closet. And just as I shut the door, I heard him faintly mutter, "The things I do for this girl."

"Kiddo?" my dad knocked on the door, before I raced forward, stumbling over my carpet, before pulling the door open abruptly, face red, panting, and practically sweating as my dad stood in the doorway. He had trimmed his stubble, making it look much more presentable, but he was still sporting his perfectly trimmed mustache that looked much like a bushy caterpillar above his lips.

My dad cocked his head to the side. "Everything alright? It sounded like someone was being murdered up here."

"Fine!" I panted, holding the door handle, and opening my door wider, so he wasn't suspicious of anything. "I was just—" I pointed behind me, my chest heaving up and down in semi-panic, "working out!" I smiled, nodding my head quickly.

I mean, with how fast I was breathing right now I was pretty proud of that excuse.

Dad nodded his head, eyebrows furrowed. "Alright, well, I gotta go to work kiddo, I just wanted to check up on you."

"I'm okay!" I panted, trying to smile through my obvious panic.

"Alright." he said, but I could tell he seemed unsure of himself. "Why don't you lock the door behind me."

"Mmkay," I whispered, following him out of my room and down the stairs. I gave a panicked backwards glance towards my closet, hoping that Aiden wasn't suffocating or anything inside it, before quickly following my father down the stairs. I smiled, waved, and bid him a goodbye, before shutting and locking the door behind me, just like he'd said. I even waited until he pulled out of the driveway and left, before turning around and racing up the stairs as fast as I could, almost tripping on the last step. I stumbled into my room, before grabbing the door handle of my closet and quickly pulling it open.

The sight that greeted me was something I couldn't help but burst out laughing at. Aiden was seated atop my collection of shoes, his face hidden behind the clothes that were hanging down, and he was crumpled into the most uncomfortable looking position, his legs pulled up tightly against his chest, so he could fit inside the small, cramped space. He looked so out of place.

"Goddamit!" he hissed as he shoved my clothes out of the way, and stumbled on my million pairs of shoes, before finally emerging from the closet, eyebrows furrowed in obvious annoyance. "Is he gone?" Aiden asked, running his hands through his unkempt hair.

I snorted in laughter and bit my lip to try and contain the rest of my laughter that wanted to come out, but it was becoming increasingly difficult, so I swallowed my words and simply nodded quickly at Aiden. I knew if I said anything or laughed Aiden would probably throw a fit. He honestly looked like he had just lost a good chunk of his pride after that situation.

"You know," Aiden began, chuckling, before a crooked a smile appeared on his perfect lips, "I wouldn't want to hide in anyone else's closet." and then his crooked grin turned into the most boyish smile I'd ever seen, and that sight practically had my heart melting.

I couldn't help but let out a string of giggles. 

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