23. After (Edited)

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All I felt was pain. I fluttered my eyes open slowly, the feeling of soft cushions beneath me as I turned my head, but the sight that greeted me was something I hadn't expected.

I lay on the couch in Aiden's living room, with him sitting there beside me. The entire house seemed to be empty, although I could hear faint whispers coming from the kitchen, but I didn't focus on that. Aiden sat on the hardwood floor next to me, his knees pulled up in front of him as he rested his head in the space between his chest and knees. He didn't hear me shift, as I reached my hand out for his, my fingertips brushing against his skin. I felt tingles shoot up my arm as he pulled his head up with lightning fast reflexes.

His expression was hard, cold, and calculated, the contours of his jawline visibly tightened as I analyzed every little feature of his perfectly sculpted face. The way his eyebrows were creased and the way his features visibly softened when he laid eyes on me. Pain and guilt replaced the anger in his eyes, as he searched my face, his dark brown eyes lingering on the ever-growing bruise near my eye.

"Em," he whispered, his eyes full of shame. "I'm so sorry. I should never have left you alone."

I shook my head, knowing the guilt that Aiden was feeling. I knew he thought what had happened with Landon was his fault, but it wasn't. It wasn't anyone's fault except Landon. "Aiden, it's not your fault—!"

"Yes, it is. If I had just stayed with you for the whole night that bastard would've never even thought twice about putting his fucking hands on you."

I sighed, wishing I could take away Aiden's guilt, but it didn't matter what I said, I wasn't going to change his mind. When Aiden made up his mind about something, it was almost impossible for him to change it.

"I'm sorry I ruined your birthday," I whispered, as I lay there on the couch, looking at him.

Aiden's anger immediately washed away as he turned to look at me, standing up to take a seat on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Look at me, Em," he whispered.

I turned and sat up, wiping a stray tear that had fallen from my face. I wasn't angry that Landon had punched me. No, in reality I was just sad. Sad that I always had to ruin everything for Aiden in some way. Whether it be because I'm crying over Evan or just being a baby all the time, Aiden was always the one there to comfort me. Sometimes I feel like he gets tired of rescuing me all the time.

I timidly looked up at Aiden, as he took my hands in his, my eyes beginning to glass over.

"I could honestly care less about the stupid party. I didn't even want to have it in the first place." he said, as I looked away, but he brought his fingers under my chin and turned me to look at him. "What I do care about—is you."

I felt my heart flutter as my eyes came back up to look into his, but just as I was about to open my mouth to say something, my eyes landed on his hands. His knuckles were bruised and battered, the faint illusion of cracks on the surface of his skin. My heart dropped as scenarios spun in my head of what had happened after I'd been knocked out. Aiden must've done something to Landon.

"Aiden—" I looked down at his knuckles, running my fingers over them gently, "what did you do?" my voice came out in a slow whisper.

"Only what he already had coming to him."

I looked into Aiden's eyes, nothing but pure and utter adoration for this boy swirling inside me, but at the mention of Landon I felt my thoughts wondering to what he'd told me last night. Something deep in my gut had me wondering if what Landon had said was actually true? Could it be? Could the boy that's come to be my knight in shining armor really do that to someone? Could he really have gotten that girl pregnant? My heart told me there was no way, but my brain—my brain went to the facts. The evidence.

Aiden had a reputation. A very well—known reputation with girls in his past. It was no secret that he had been the ultimate player, sleeping around with countless girls. So, as much as my heart wanted to believe that deep down Aiden was a good person, my brain was planting that seed of doubt inside me. I looked into his eyes, into those deep milky brown eyes that made my heart beat a little faster and my breath feel a little lighter.

Aiden could tell something was off. "Hey," he whispered, pushing a stray piece of hair behind my ear, "what is it?"

I wanted to ask him. I wanted to. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. Not after all that he'd done for me. Not after he'd protected me so fiercely and without so much as a second's hesitation. I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't betray his trust.

I leaned forward and placed my head into his chest. "Just hold me," I whispered.

And he did. He held me. 


Hey, my lovely fans! I'm so sorry it took me a little while to update and I'm sorry it's so short I've just been pretty busy lately and haven't had much time to write. :) 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and again, sorry it's so short, but it's necessary to address what's going to happen in the next chapter. 

Speaking of next chapters, I have a confession for you all. I'm sorry to say this, but it's starting to look like Aiden and Emery's story is soon going to be coming to an end. Now, before you freak out, let me explain. 

I've been thinking about this a lot and I know exactly how I want this story to end, so it's looking like we might be having around 5 or 6 more chapters (this is just a rough estimate not necessarily the truth) before the end. It's hard to believe their story is almost over, but I kind of just have this feeling that it's time. 

Anyways though, how do we feel about this chapter? 

What do you think is going on with Aiden? 

Why do you think no one wants to tell Emery?

What are your predictions about the next chapter?

Don't forget to read, vote, and comment. Everything is so greatly appreciated and I'm so thankful for all you lovely people! 

- Katy 

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