21. Pre-Party Preparations (Edited)

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There are some instances when I am utterly thankful that I have a best friend who is a super fashionista and can manage to find you the most perfect of outfits for any occasion, but then there are other times, like right now, that it can be a bit... frustrating.

The girls and I had decided to go shopping together, so that each of us could help the other pick out our dresses for Aiden's party on Friday—which was in two days!—and everything had been going wonderful. I was somehow the first to find one of the cutest dresses which I was actually super excited to wear, Riley was the second to pick out her dress that looked killer on her, and finally... there was Autumn.

Usually, out of the three of us, Autumn is always the first one to find a dress, because she always knows exactly what she's looking for, but for some reason she was having trouble today. We were now on what seemed to be the three hundred and fifty millionth dress and we're still getting nowhere.

"How about this one?!" Autumn asked impatiently, before Riley and I looked at each other.

At this point, I think Autumn was beginning to get desperate because the dress she currently had on was absolutely hideous. And the fact that she didn't even realize it was really saying something.

Riley clasped her hands together. "Autumn," she drew a long breath. "It's atrocious."

"Ugh!" she threw her hands up in the air in frustration, shoving the dressing room curtain closed.

"Why are you so worried about this, Autumn? You're always the first to pick out cute clothes." I asked.

It was blatantly obvious to the both of us why she was making such a big deal out of it, I just want her to admit it out loud like she tried to get me to do.

"Because—! It's just really important to me, okay?!"

"Oh, you mean it's really important that you knock the socks off Blake, so he'll stop being such a jackass and flirting with other girls to make you jealous?"

I looked over at Riley and shot her a right on gesture with my hand, before Autumn whipped the curtain away and gapes at the both of us, as if the thought was completely out of line.

"That is not what I'm doing!"

I giggled. "That's so what you're doing!"

"I don't understand why he's such an inconsiderate little ass!" she cried, waving her arms around in frustration as Riley and I looked at each other, knowing exactly who she was talking about. "You know if he wants to see what he's missing by flirting with all those other girls he's about to see it because I'm about to knock him right on his perfect little—!"

"Ooookay!" I laughed.

The girls and I continued to shop around and look for Autumn's perfect dress, before finally—after what seemed like hours—she found exactly the look she was going for, and let me just tell you did my best friend look fierce in the dress she bought. I have no doubt that Blake is never going to be able to take his eyes off her.

"Okay," Autumn said, "I would just like to know why we haven't brought up the topic of Emery and Aiden's almost kiss on Saturday night?!"

I could feel my cheeks immediately turning red.

"Yeah, why?" Riley asked as they both turned to look at me, smiles widening on their faces.

"Oh my god!" I cried. "I was so nervous! I've never kissed anyone in my entire life and to kiss Aiden right in the middle of the Ice Center with everyone watching I would've been completely and utterly mortified! Not to mention the fact that Evan showed up and that Aiden and Evan absolutely despise each other with everything inside of them—"

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