11. That Feeling (Edited)

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I stood, waiting near the gym doors for Aiden, so we could walk to the library together. School had just let out, so I was still wearing my gym clothes, but apparently Aiden had to go and change because he "can't be walking around sweaty all day." Isn't that what a girl is supposed to say?

The halls were beginning to empty out as students sprinted to get to their cars before the buses left. You see, if you don't get out of the parking lot before the buses leave you're practically stuck here for another thirty minutes. That obviously wasn't a problem for me though, since Aiden and I were going to be staying after school.

Just as that thought popped into my head, I heard the sound of balls bouncing on the tiled floor and I immediately looked up, only to be greeted by our school's boys' basketball team. I saw Carter and Blake among them, Blake just glancing at me and giving me a head nod, meanwhile Carter greeted me.

"Waiting for Aiden?" he asked as I sighed.

I nodded. "Does he always take this long to change?"

Carter chuckled. "You know him, he's a lady's man,"

I just shook my head at that statement, before watching Aiden emerge from the boy's locker room on the other end of the gym. His teammates greeted him, head nodding and bro-hugging him, but it was obvious that there was sadness lingering in the air. He wouldn't be practicing with them until he could raise his GPA up to at least a 2.5.

I watched as Aiden looked at his team longingly, like his very soul had been ripped from his chest. I suddenly felt for him. All he wanted to do was play basketball, yet he couldn't do that. It must be really hard on him.

He sighed, taking glances back at his teammates as they began doing their warm up drills, while waiting for their coach to arrive. "Come on, let's go."

The usual happy-go-lucky, annoying, pestering Aiden was nowhere to be found at the moment. He didn't say anything, he didn't crack a joke, he didn't smile, he didn't laugh, he didn't try to annoy me with his constant badgering about my paper-OCD, he was completely silent. And to be honest, I didn't like it one bit. Aiden and I were constantly bickering, or he was always making me laugh, so walking in complete and total silence with him just felt wrong. I took a quick glance at his face, the longing and sadness evident in his expression, and I just couldn't bear to see him like that. An Aiden that isn't smiling or laughing or constantly bickering with me just doesn't feel right.

In the past month, twice he's taken me out to just have fun and let go of all the stress and worry in my life, so now, I think it's my turn to do something for him.

I stopped walking. "Aiden?"

He turned to look at me, the sadness evident in his demeanor. "What?"

I stared at him for moment, debating whether or not it'd be a good idea to tell him my plan, before I finally settled with the fact that this would be better left a surprise. "I think I forgot something back at the gym. I'll be right back."

I didn't wait for his answer, or his reply I just turned quickly on my heel and began speed-walking back towards the gym. You see, I know exactly what Aiden's grades are at the moment because as his tutor I have full access to his grades, so I can see what areas he needs improvement on. As of right now, his GPA is a 2.39, just shy of a 2.5. So, if I can somehow convince his coach to let him at least practice with the team, then maybe the Aiden that I've grown so fond of will come back.

I don't know why, but Aiden's kind of growing on me. Don't get me wrong I don't like him like that, but... he's just not like everyone says he is. I guess it's because they don't really know him. Not like I do, at least.

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