10. Warnings (Edited)

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"Will you stop?!" I cried.

Aiden burst out laughing as he slid down in his chair, meanwhile—for something like the millionth time—the entire library was shooting us death glares. In fact, even Mrs. Noe was beginning to get annoyed with us.

Aiden had folded the corners of every single paper I had laid out on the table, and he'd even messed up my pile of perfectly stacked papers. I fumbled with them, frantically trying to straighten them and stack them neatly, but just when I'd finished fixing them all Aiden's hand snuck around to one of my papers and folded the corner... again.

I didn't hesitate in grabbing my biology book and smacking the life out of him with it, but it didn't matter because it didn't stop him from laughing. In fact, he was laughing so hard that he was leaning back in his chair to the point that he tipped it back just a bit too far and fell back with a crash!

"Shit, that hurt."

Every eye from the library was on us as I looked around to see people staring in annoyance. Even Mrs. was giving us a disapproving look, no doubt feeling pressure to do something about our (mostly Aiden's) behavior. Aiden grabbed the chair and set it upright as I placed both hands over my mouth, trying to contain the immense amount of laughter that wanted to erupt out of my body. In fact, I started snorting, trying to hold in my laughter, meanwhile Aiden was rubbing the back of his head, before turning to look at the looming shadow that had appeared over us.

Mrs. Noe stood in front of our table, the both of us looking at each other as if we knew what might happen, before looking back at her. She placed her hands on her hips, sighing.

"Emery, sweetheart, I hate to have to do this to you, but... I've been getting quite a few complaints about the insane amount of noise you two make in here. This is a library, not a playroom. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you two to find another place for these tutor sessions. I simply can't have this ruckus going on every day in my library while other students are trying to focus."

She's kicking us out of the library?! What? But this is where I've always come to finish my work. Where else am I supposed to go? This is the best place to study! I've never gotten kicked out of anything in my life. I couldn't help but stare at her, my mouth dropping open in utter shock. I was being kicked out of the library ... by my favorite librarian.

Aiden answered for me as I was too busy processing the words that she had just said. "Uh, we're sorry... ma'am." I could practically hear him trying to hold back his laugh as the words came out of his mouth. "We'll leave now."

He helped me gather my things and place it all back into my backpack, before the both of us exited through the large double doors on the other end of the library. I still couldn't believe what had just happened. I had just gotten kicked out of a library! A library of all places!

I looked at Aiden, narrowing my eyes and pointing my finger in his face. "This is all your fault!"

"My fault!" he cried, his eyebrows furrowing as though he hadn't the faintest clue what I was talking about.

"Yes! If it hadn't been for you falling out of that stupid chair—!"

"Woah, woah, woah! Let's not forget you were the one who was sitting there smacking me with your fifty-pound biology book!"

"Because you wouldn't shut up and stop folding my papers!"

He began chuckling trying to suppress his laughter as he shot back. "It's not my fault you have a paper-folding OCD!"

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