5th Act: Feel So Alive

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The creaking, the sea noises, and the absent fighting vibrations. They were surrounded by the musty, oily, salty smell of the ships and the ocean, and realized how sharp one's senses become in the dark. Every place has its scent, a peculiar mixture of organic growth and human industry, of must, paint, wood and vermin. A far scar of bright lights hung in the bat-black sky. Pointing where the fight took place. As they drove closer, smells of Titian-red blood filled the air as men wailed and screamed. The fight had started, and S.W.O.R.D. was answering back at the latest threats that the Mighty Warriors had given them.

When the fight seemed to have reached its lowest. More doubt members entered the scene. And winning was like an unreachable dream. It was at that point when the Amamiya brother and Watanabe showed up. Like a storm of arrows that buzzing and fizzing through the battle area, all three motorcycles cut through. Their presence caused most of the Rivals to back off like waves. Their arrival was most than welcome. The outcome right away changed.

Everyone from S.W.O.R.D. burst farther into the main area. Each gang dropped in for their reason. Cobra and Yamato to deal with Kohaku. The White Rascals save the girls that Doubt allured. The Rude boys rescue Lala. Even the Amamiya Brothers and Watanabe were there for Lala. The septic smell of sweetness hung over the fighting field. It was a fight of head-clasping horror. The acrid taste of blood rose every minute.

Ukyo and Sakyo manage to shut the road, as they dropped a cargo container. Before the cargo reached the ground, the Amamiya brothers, and Watanabe passed under it. The battle levelled up to a second base. Masaki and Hiroto hit and punched through some doubt members, and Hikari was following. Both brothers covered the scene, she didn't even throw any hits yet.

"Where is the girl?" asked Masaki a doubting member who had already reached the ground. Hiroto was next to him, with his hands inside his pockets waiting for an answer. Hikari is behind them.

She felt goosebumps through her spine as they roam through the fight zone. It was years she was involved in any fights. But never in multi encounters like that one. She wasn't scared, nothing could terrorize her these days. Mostly she would avoid any kind of trouble, first due to her work and secondly it wasn't her business to save the world. Though the pounding and pummeling blows and hits under a beamless sky, got her heart rate to advance. Bizarrely getting her alive.

"Over there!" said the doubt dude as Hiroto freed him. All three headed in the direction where Lala and the rest of the girls were stored.

Suddenly their way was blogged. More doubt guys showed, followed by Ice. Hiroto and Masaki pause. As Ice stood and the middle gazing at Hiroto. He had already made up his mind and wanted to fight with him. "We meet again. Let's settle this," he announced as he cracked his neck.

"Brother, Take care of the rest," said Hiroto as he got the hint. But he wanted also to fight with Ice.

Hiroto's and Ice's duel had already started, as the first plug against Hiroto. Since both were skilled, their combat had reached another level. Their punches and kicks had a different impact on their bodies. The sound of fracturing and rupturing hits filled the area. They gave a different sensation as they kept fighting each other. The pain was just an illusory sensation for both of them. That their minds could shut down if they needed to. They could simply put it aside.

Next to them Masaki and Hikari were wrestling with the rest of the Doubt members. Most had surrounded Masaki first with simple wooden sticks and later with fire sticks. But their abilities were far lower than Masaki's. He could stand his ground and that was noticeable. He didn't need to put much effort to overpower them.

Hikari noted once more how well-trained both were. Everything she had heard about the Amamiya brothers wasn't an illusion. She tried to keep her defence up. She dealt with Masaki's leftovers. At least those were easier to handle. But around that time she didn't notice one of them was carrying a knife. She only felt a deep pain on her right lower side. And only then noticed the blade ripping out of her skin. She absorbed the trauma, swallowing the pain. She hit the man hard causing him to smash against the nearest cargo. She covered the injury with a cloth she found close by, hoping the bleeding would pause.

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