11th Act: Finding Takeru

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At Itokan Diner...

"What about Aniki?" Masaki asked.

The group of four ended up back in Itokan Diner. It seems that the lady hacker had spotted Takeru. After receiving a phone call, it took them a few minutes to drive back to the Sannoh district.

"Are you able to listen?" Masaki added. The clip got his attention. As Takeru was spotted in the 'Little Asia Area'. Slowly things were about to get serious. Takeru was on the move. He had finally revealed to the Kamizono Leader that he had the USB. His final plans were in motion, he could finally be as close as possible to the killer of his parents. (Though Takeru had never forgotten the promise he had given to Hikari. He took a few minutes and wrote a detailed letter about her brother's death. He hoped after settling his revenge. He would tell Hikari everything. But in case something went wrong he kept the letter in his right pocket.)

"We can't hear everything." said the lady hacker. That was finally able to spot the exact area that Takeru crossed at the moment.

"He is in Little Asia District!" Testu said.

"Why is aniki there?" Hiroto was puzzled as he crossed his arms and watched the screen standing between Aika and Hikari.

The lady hacker could tell them a few more details "It seems he's going to make a trade with someone in the Kamizono Group. I'm not too sure of the exact location."

Noboru added "I got it, but there's not much information. There are more people than in the Iemura Group, and members of the Kamizono Group carry guns. Wait..."

Everyone's face looks more serious than before, since this time the Kamizono Group involved guns. And even if the Amamiya brothers were strong. If they had to face real guns it sounded impossible to fight with bare hands. It seemed that Takeru had the same thought. That's how he ended up buying a gun.

Noboru gazed at Masaki as they were looking at the footage of Takeru. "What do you think he was buying?" he asked.

"We have to hurry and find him!" Aika noted worriedly as she stepped away ready to leave. Though Hikari grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She would never include Aika in such a serious fight. Aika was important to Hikari. She once lost one sibling she would never allow losing another one.

At the same time Masaki with a loud tone yelled "Don't!" He was nothing like his sweet flirty self, now that the situation was severe. "Aika-chan, you wait here," he suggested.

But Aika cared a lot about Takeru. He helped her when times were hard for her. "Why?"

"Aika you better stay here!" Hikari agreed with Masaki. "It's dangerous."

"Leave it to us!" Masaki told her.

"But.. I.." mumbled Aika upset.

Hiroto interrupted "You stay here and watch the data that your father left behind." Then he walked outside. Their time was limited they had to reach Takeru as soon as possible.

Masaki grabbed her softly from her arms and ensured her "We will bring Aniki back!" It sounded like a promise. A promise that would make Aika agree. Before Masaki left he told Cobra to keep an eye on her. Cobra just signed him to leave. Masaki didn't have to ask. The leader of the Hoodlum Squad would do that without even being asked.

Yamato yelled at Masaki (as he was stepping out) "Is that how you ask someone for a favor?" He still was pissed with him, since they fight they had back then as Mugen.

Hikari rolled her eyes finding Yamato's reaction a bit silly. "Aika stay here. Honestly it's dangerous!" Hikari demanded one last time as she followed the brothers.

Outside Itokan Diner Masaki and Hiroto had already sat on their bikes. They pinned their eyes on Hikari as she bypassed them and sat on her bike.

"Where are you going?" Masaki wanted to know. He knew that she was following them. But things were about to get really messy. Although he knew that she had some relationship with the police and that she needed to meet with Takeru. It still was dangerous.

Hikari tilted her head. "Where Takeru is..." she said. She grabbed her helmet and was about to wear it.

Hiroto glared at her "You are staying here!" He turned his engine on and gave a last gaze at Hikari demanding that she should stay behind.

"I need to meet with Takeru. Staying here isn't an option." she made it clear and drove off. Masaki followed. Deep down he knew it wouldn't stop Hikari. Hiroto sighed and drove with them.

Moments later at the Little Asia Area...

The place was crowded. The group of three parked their bikes and started searching for Takeru. They suddenly managed to spot him on the busy road in Little Asia All three ran after him. But when Takeru noticed them he dashed off, leaving them behind. He made it clear once that this was his revenge and he didn't want his younger brothers involved with it. He even said it many times to Hikari.

"We lost him," said Masaki as they reached an an alley after a long run.

"Damn!" Hiroto cussed as he through an empty kick in the air angry.

Hikari was out of breath "Takeru didn't want you two mixed with this 'revenge'. There is no way he would stay behind and wait for us."

Hiroto walked up to her pissed "If you had told us earlier we would have found Aniki. We have every right to be with him. This revenge is as much ours as it's his."

"You don't get it. It's not about revenge. How could Takeru want to see anything happen to his brothers? You are the most important part of his life. It's not that the revenge is his. It's that he wants to protect you both in his way." Hikari explained gazing back at Hiro to seriously. While Masaki was talking with Aika on the phone. Those two went on arguing.

Hiroto stepped closer, what Hikari told him was true. But they couldn't just avoid and let their older brother get hurt. "Whatever Takeru thinks, doesn't mean it applies to us. He is our brother. He raised us, he was always there for us. How can we just turn our backs? Also, this revenge is ours too. But it has nothing to do with you." he voiced.

Hikari paused. She thought it over, that Hiroto was right. Her tone softens "Maybe... Yes, my being here has nothing to do with your revenge. But it has to do with mine. Takeru is the only one who knows, who killed my brother. Plus I am worried about Takeru too. Kamizono Group is nasty. Takeru alone doesn't have many possibilities to return safely. I cannot stay behind either." The young detective ended up agreeing with Takeru's younger brothers. She could understand Takeru's wishes. But she come to a point where she didn't want to see anyone else getting hurt. Although she kept herself out of any kind of troubles this day. And she promised herself she would only involve herself only in her brother's case. This time she wouldn't stay down.

"I know where aniki is. Aika called." Masaki cut them off, after he finished the phone call. It seemed that the lady hacker and Noboru had hacked into the USB. They found out how deeply the Kuryu Group was involved in all kinds of illegal donations, account books, and illegal moves that had to do with politicians and police officers. The Casino project was also part of it.

Hiroto stopped and gazed at his brother "Aniki. Okay let's go then." he said as he tapped Hikari's shoulder. Mostly telling her to follow them. He knew it was dangerous. Though he could now tell how Hikari was connected with Takeru. The only thing that Hiroto still didn't know was her connection with the police.

The group of three drove once again with their bikes on the 9th floor of Elique. There Takeru was meeting Kamizono. And the true fight was about to start.

((Next Chapter: 12th Act))

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