12th Act: TAKERU

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At the Elique...

'Dark and lonely have been the days lately. I am working overtime with Kamizono Group trying to find the right moment to get close to their leader. Maybe I could reach and kill him for a way. Maybe... But that's not what I want. I want to look at him in his face. I want him to tell me why he killed my parents. And then I will take his life. I know, it's only an illusion. But after I found out how they run their business. I cannot step down. Tonight I am going to meet him whatever the consensuses. What worries me is Masaki and Hiroto. They spotted me earlier. I hope they want to show up this time. This is my fight...' Takeru was thinking as he stood beneath the tall statue. The time was finally there where he could take his revenge.

Outside the Elique, Masaki, Hiroto, and Hikari had arrived. The night was growing old, and the sky was filled with clouds. Thunders and lightning were visible in the background but it wasn't raining yet.

"Is this the place?" Hiroto asked. The group of three parked their bikes and walked inside. They bypassed the white car. (That belonged to Kamizono Leader.) "I think it's this one," Hikari answered.

Seconds later they had finally reached the ground floor. The Amamiya brother was walking in front and Hikari behind them. They were suddenly stopped by Kamizono men. As the group of 3 was informed they carried guns. As the guns were pointed at them, Masaki asked twice "Where is Aniki?" Since they didn't get any answer they attacked the men that were dressed in white. It took only a few accurate moves and the men were unarmed and facing the floor. Hikari stood behind and watched. She didn't even manage to raise her arm. Masaki and Hiroto were faster than before and deadlier. After all, it had to do with their brother. She didn't expect anything less.

Meanwhile, Takeru met with Kamizono. The leader was there with his men only for the USB. Takeru showed him the USB and he was demented to know about his parents. The group of three run up the floors of Elique until they found Takeru. Hiroto first, then Masaki tried to reach the place where he was standing. But Takeru told them to stand back. Masaki grabbed Hiroto trying to keep him back. While Hikari was still standing behind them. She honestly didn't know what Takeru had in mind.

"Kamizono Tatsuomi. Ten years ago, you weren't ruthless and I am thankful for that." Takeru said in a threading voice.

Kamizono gazed at him "Ten years ago?" he was confused. He was there about the USB and now the man in black standing in front of him didn't make any sense.

"You don't remember, do you?" Takeru asked him. His eyes glared at him, as he was ready to attack. His sibling few feet away worrying about Takeru. "For you... They were just two people out of dozens. But those two people..." he said gazing at Masaki and Hiroto "..were our beloved family... They were our parents."

"Did you join the group just to get revenge? I admire your bravery and perseverance." Kamizono mocked him.

"Why did you kill them?!" Takeru asked and through the USB at Kamizono with one hand as the other had already taken out his gun and shot at him. The bullet aimed at Kamizono's heart. And he would be dead in nanoseconds. But Kamizono was cruel and didn't mind pulling on his man as a shield. Soon the room was filled with bullets as both sides fired. Takeru got hit on his leg. The group of three runs towards him. But Takeru didn't let them get any closer and he shield them behind a ruined wall as the shots went on.

The Kamizono group went on searching for the USB and after they found it Kamizono made sure it was the right USB. Meanwhile, the group of three finally met with Takeru. But his brothers were pissed with him.

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