Chapter 6

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"'re telling me that before you possessed this body, it was just a regular doll?" You questioned, almost lifting Chucky off the ground with his right arm that you held up and inspected. He didn't bother protesting- there was nothing he could do about it when he was tied down and he knew you wouldn't listen. So he just sighed and nodded.

"Yep." He said, bored. You'd been asking questions for about twenty minutes now. "And you'd be dead if I was still human."

"Hmm?" You hummed, not hearing the last part that he'd mumbled incoherently. He just shook his head in a way that said 'it's nothing'.

" here's what I got so far. You're a serial killer by the name of Charles Lee Ray, nicknamed Chucky, that was shot by Mike whoever, who's a cop, years ago. You used some weird voodoo to possess this Good Guy doll, and now your pretty much trapped in there." You repeated.

"Yeah, but being trapped 'there' isn't my biggest concern. Being trapped here is the real issue." Chucky spat. You frowned in distaste at his persistently rude attitude. During the time you'd asked him questions, you'd given him a towel to dry his cold wet hair and a second cup of water for his throat, but he wasn't getting any better.

"Talking of here, how exactly did you end up by those bins where I found you?" You questioned, and this time Chucky was actually willing to answer.

"I had to escape from the evidence room at a police station, probably miles away from here, and I got lost on my way looking for the damn cop that shot me." He explained. Your raised a brow.

"How can someone of your..." You tried to think of the right word without making him angry or offended. You couldn't say height or stature, so you changed your sentence. "How can you travel so far if you're know...doll."

"You'd be surprised by how easy it is to sneak into taxis and other vehicles at this height."

"Oh, of course. How long exactly have you been travelling for? Surely you must've hitched a ride in several vehicles to get here." You pointed out.

"About a week" he said flatly. You gasped, and the doll looked questioningly at you. He'd said previously that he was turning human, so surely going a week without human needs must've almost killed him!

"You must be starving!" You said, a little too concerned even for your liking. You weren't entirely sure you were even thinking straight anymore; this doll was alive and possessed by a notorious slasher that had a kill count in the hundreds, but here you were worrying about his hunger.

You blamed it on the fact that he was a doll- he looked small and innocent, even with that scowl plastered on his freckly face. If he'd shown up as a human, taller and much stronger than you, you would've called the police. Hell, that would be if you could even make it to the phone in time.

But here, in this situation, you had the upper hand, and because you were the stronger one, you weren't going to do what he would've done if he was in your position. That would make you just as bad as the little freak in front of you.

"I don't need to eat- I'm not human enough yet." He eventually lied, forcing himself to look you in the eyes.

However, as if on cue, his stomach grumbled, practically screamed, for food. He curled up as an initial reaction,  clutching his stomach and wailing quietly in agony.

You kind of panicked at his state, so you reached out to attempt to help him. When you were sick as a child, your mother would always rub your stomach for you, so out of instinct that's exactly what you did. Not to your surprise, he hit your hand away after a few seconds and looked up at you.

"I-I don't need your fucking sympathy!" He managed, but his subconscious was yelling for your touch again. It actually helped and definitely made him feel a bit better, but he refused to tell you such a thing. His pride is too strong for that kind of stuff, so he decided to deal with the pain on his own.

"It's not sympathy! I'm trying to help you!" You argued back, "don't you want it to stop?"

He didn't answer this time, he just cried in agony, but it was stifled as he tried to keep it in. He didn't want you to see that he was weak and in pain, because then he was more vulnerable. He didn't really trust you, especially because you had his knife and he had no defence mechanism. If you suddenly decided that he doesn't deserve to live after all he's ever done, it'd be child's play to end him. (Pun intended)

"Urgh, just please let me help you!" You tried again. "I don't see why it's so hard for you to let me help. It's not like I'm going to tell anyone- it's not like I can. I'm not going to try anything stupid either."

One of Chucky's tightly shut eyes opened to glare at you silently, and you guessed that was some sort of signal that gave you permission to do what you were planning on doing. Finally, he'd caved in.

So you reached across to him and rubbed gentle circles in his stomach, causing him to absentmindedly hum out in appreciation. You smiled as his face gradually eased and his muscles untensed. His once steel tight grip on his overalls loosened, and he was soon relaxed. The pain was still there, but your gentle movements had caused it to decrease dramatically. You did it just like your mother did.

"See, isn't it better when you listen to me?" You said sarcastically as the doll got to his feet shakily. He was still a bit weak, not only from the week of endless travelling but also because you'd knocked him out with a guitar.

"You never mention this, you got that?" He gritted darkly.

"You're welcome" you snapped back, taking note on how he avoided thanking you.

"I don't need to thank you. You've done nothing for me." He spat, and you looked at him incredulously, "In fact, I wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if you hadn't found me."

"If I hadn't found you, you'd either still be out in the pouring rain, probably cold and hurt, or somebody else would've found you. And trust me, you're lucky I found you, because if it was anybody else they would've killed you, phoned the police or thrown you out the window."

"Then why haven't you?"

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