Chapter 10

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You had to get that knife off him.
The first twenty minutes of the ride was completely silent, the exception being Chucky yelling directions at the last second once in a while. Chucky was pretty calm and overly passive at this point, but he still had his guard up, looking alive and alert with his knife tight in his grip. Probably knowing you might try something.

All you had to do was catch him off guard. However it wouldn't be easy with him being so ready for such a situation, so your only hope was to try and make him comfortable enough around you to let his guard down, even if it's in the slightest. First things first; you had to start some sort of conversation.

"So, uh, why are we going to Lakeshore Police Department?" You asked gently. The doll kept his gaze forward.

"Stop askin' questions. Curiosity killed the cat, kid!" He said. You narrowed your that was how he wanted to play it. He could try and wiggle out of the question, but you had a strong grip.

"But satisfaction brought it back" you replied, smugly finishing the rhyme to suit yourself. Chucky actually perked up at that, having never heard it before. Now he was intruigued.

"Lakeshore is where I lived" he started willingly, to your surprise, "Before I got into this voodoo shit. I didn't tell you this before, but the cop who killed me, Mike Norris, still works at the station downtown there. I just need to pay him a visit, and return the favour for what he did to me all those years ago at the toy store."

You felt sick to your stomach. You knew this doll was a murderer, but being actually involved in a crime and helping him drive to someone's death is sickening. The people he'd killed already are history, but this was happening now, and there was a way you could prevent it. You needed that knife.

"Y-you're gonna kill him?" You quizzed, though you knew the answer already. The ginger turned to face you, a smile plastered on his face that stretched his lips beyond their limit.

"Yeah. Except he won't be coming back!" He barked, rolling with laughter shortly after. You frowned, but tried not to look angry. You had to distract him enough to let his guard down.

"Do you really plan on killing him with that thing?" You asked, out of the blue, holding a mischievous smile back on your face. The killers eyes widened, and they darkened with anger, and even some offence. They trailed down to glare at the weapon in his hands that you were referring to.

"What's wrong with my knife?" He gritted darkly. You gulped, pressing onward.

"Well, it's small and shabby" you began, pointing a finger at the blade, but being careful not to point too close. "You want his death to be a work of art, don't you? After all, he was the man that killed you."

Chucky studied you long and hard, keeping his eyes glued to yours. He didn't even blink, he just watched your thorough movements carefully. After a crushing couple of seconds, he frowned and looked back down at his knife. "Damn it, you're right." He cursed, fiddling with the blade in his hands.

"I know. I mean, just look at it. Unless you plan on killing him with paper cuts, you should get a better weapon." You stated. The ginger sighed and looked restlessly at the knife.

"Why is everything so difficult now?" He questioned rhetorically. His hands opened up flat, and he let the knife sit openly on top of them to study it further. This was your change to turn the tables on him! With slight delay, you reached out and snatched the knife quickly out of his hands, not even giving him the chance to react before you pointed the knife at him as a warning.

"Shit!" He shouted at the absence of the knife that was in his hands. It took him a second to actually process what just happened. He looked up to see you holding his knife.

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