Chapter 16

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A/N: I've decided to try and be clever, and I've mixed in Curse of Chucky references, but it will still fit in with the story no matter when you decide it takes place in the franchise (as long as it's after the first Child's Play lol)

You smiled and stood to your feet, looking down at the confused toy. He wasn't scowling like he usually was. "So...are you ready for... You know." You stumbled, meaning to say if he's ready to be stitched up. He understood you perfectly fine.

"Yeah, let's get this shit over with. There's a table at the back, so follow me."


Chucky soundlessly lead you further down the corridor to his old home, coming into a large room. The only word you could think to describe it was was 'weird'. Hell, it looked more than weird. There was next to no furniture at all in the room, and everything was painted white. In the far right there was a small brown dresser, and resting on top was a clay vase. It was cracked in several places, and inside it was a bunch of sunflowers. But, obviously, they had shrivelled and died from lack of water.

That wasn't what was weird, though. It was the giant wall art covering the whole area of the back wall that was weird. It was bright and trippy, but was shaded darker as it reached the ends. In the middle of the painted art was the brightest, and there stood a half naked black man. Around his neck was different types of necklaces with pearls and horns attached to them. The man was sporting a strange, abnormally tall hat.

Crouching down to his left was another painted man, completely naked with nothing covering his genitals. He was bending over, seemingly worshipping the man in the centre of the piece. You instantly recognised the praying mans features to resemble the voodoo dolls; long, wavy hair and blue eyes. So the praying man was Chucky.

"Who's that guy?" You asked as Chucky proceeded to walk along. Before Chucky answered, your mind pieced it together. "Is that John?"

Chucky didn't stop walking. "You're smarter than you look, kid. Let's go."

Not happy with the answer, you rushed up beside Chucky so you were walking at his side. You frowned and eyed him carefully. "Hey, that's not good enough! You clearly worshipped him, so how can you so carelessly kill him?"

Chucky stopped, turning and pinching the brim of his nose in fustration. He was stressed about being operated on by someone who has no medical knowledge at all, so this was not something he wanted to be discussing. But he knew if he didn't tell you, you'd just keep persisting. "I didn't worship John, dumbass. I worshipped Dambala."

"Dambala? Who is Damba-"

"He's the God of voodoo. The one that let me into this body. I did worship him until I realised how much of a piece of shit he is!" Chucky said, yelling the last bit as if he wanted Dambala himself to hear his insults. "I'm bowing down to John because he was a direct line to Dambala. According to John, he could even communicate with him."

You hummed out an "oh" then the pair of you continued onwards. Chucky took you through an open door to your right, next to the pot of sunflowers. You were greeted by...woah. More sunflowers. Tons of them, plastering the room from top to toe. Some had actually found a way to stay alive.

There was a concrete table at the rear end of the small, cosy looking room. Above the table, just to the right of it, was a little square cut hole that spilled sunlight onto the table. However the splendid image was ruined by the sight of steel bars set evenly across the hole. That gave the room a prison-like feel to it.

Chucky wandered over to the concrete table, and jumped up to climb onto it. As his legs flailed to get up, you walked up next to him. The first thing you spotted on the table was what looked to be a large pool of dried blood. Your mind started asking 'what the fuck happened here?'

"Chucky, what is that?" You asked suspiciously.

" the blood of a pregnant woman" he said simply, his voice sounding strained as he just about managed to swing his feet over the table. He rolled onto his stomach then pushed onto his feet, only to be met with a petrified expression.

" hurt a pregnant woman?!" You screeched. "How could you?!"

"She called the cops on me! What did you expect me to do, fuckin' stand around and wait? It's her fault that I'm in this damn body in the first place!" He yelled. It was as if he wanted to make it up to you by justifying himself, and that made you a little less mad.

", was that the night you fled the house and later got shot by Mike what's-it's-name?" You questioned. Chucky was pretty surprised you'd managed to piece it together so quickly.

"Yeah. That bitch radded me out that night, and it cost me my life."

"Did it cost her life, too?" You enquired steadily. Chucky shook his head as he settled himself down on the stained table.

"Nope, I didn't kill her. I didn't have time to even if I wanted to. I have no fuckin' clue if the babies alive or not after what I did...not that I care." He spat spitefully. You scanned his blue eyes, witnessing a shine of regret pass by them very quickly.
"Now stop stallin' and just get this over with." Chucky ordered. You nervously gave a thumbs up, pulling out all the needed tools out of your back trouser pocket.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter (1003 words). I promise next time I'll have a far longer chapter that's 1500 words at least.

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