Chapter 12

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"Then what will you do?" He questioned. You stared at the blood that was still running down his overalls and dripping from his face, most of it pouring from the stab wound.

"Well, first things first. I'm going to have to make sure you survive those wounds before I do anything with you."

You had a point. There wasn't time to be thinking far in the future if there wasn't going to be a future. And as much as he didn't want to admit it, he actually needed your help if he wanted to live. Even if he'd escaped earlier on, he wouldn't have gone far before bleeding out.

"I need you to trust me, Chucky. Promise me you won't try and run again?" You asked nicely. The doll scoffed.

"I can't promise anything, toots." He replied. You cringed at the nickname, but decided it wasn't best to bring it up. He probably hadn't realised what he'd said, or he just didn't care. Either way it would make things awkward.

"Well, at least you're honest" you said, walking back to the car with his leg in your grasp. Now that you'd started walking, you'd realised how far you had actually ran. You didn't know you could run that far without stopping, so you'd gone through some pretty extreme measures to catch this doll. "Geez, we ran a long way"

"I think I'm gonna be sick" Chucky chocked, a comedic hint in his voice, but nevertheless sounding as if he was close to throwing up. You didn't blame him either- he was suspended upside down and he had a still-bleeding stab wound, along with a few other minor injuries.

Without a word, you huffed out and spun him right way up and tucked him under your arm. You didn't think he deserved any sort of luxury, but you didn't want him to be sick. That would mean more work for you when you try to nurse him back to health later.

"Ahhhh~" he sighed in contempt, relaxing and going completely limp in your grip, "That's much better!"

You wondered how he could be so childish and comical when he was literally bleeding to death. Even as he spoke, there was blood from his wound dripping onto your arm. You were so curious you decided to ask.
"How come you're not wailing in agony?" You quirked. That wasn't the best way to ask, but you didn't really care at this point.

"I'm not fully human yet, so it ain't too bad at the moment. Still pretty fuckin' nasty, but not enough to make me scream. So, as much as you're turned on by my cries for help, you won't be seeing tears anytime soon."

You were interested and intrigued until he decided to sprinkle some of his dark humour in with his facts. "I AM NOT TURNED ON BY THAT! SICKO!"

He just laughed that signature laugh of his, and you decided it was best to ignore him. Letting him get the best of you is like letting him win a game of chess. Pointless.

You finally arrived in the car, and it was about time. Your arm was staring to ache...but of course, not nearly as much as your eye and legs. Once you approached the vehicle, you opened the back door and flung Chucky into the back seats. Then you went around the from boot of the car and hopped into the drivers seat. As you revved up the car with your keys, you could hear Chucky protesting from the back seats.

"Who the hell do you think you are, tossing me in the back seats?" He growled, standing up on the middle seat.

"There's no way you're sitting in the front with me- not after what you did." Then you smirked, "Besides, little children shouldn't sit in the front without a booster seat."

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