Chapter 11

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((Sorry for sloooooow updates. If you go over to my Pennywise x Reader (even if you aren't interested in reading it) and check out the 'Please read x' chapter it will explain what I've been through, part of that being really sick and loosing my pet Albert.

So I apologise 😬😬))

But it never came.

Your hand was shaking uncontrollably, trying to just get it over with and kill him, but it just wasn't moving. You couldn't bring yourself to do it, no matter how hard you tried. So, in a fit of anger, you threw the knife onto the ground. It made a loud clatter as it hit the metal under-frame of the seat, causing Chucky to flinch. He expected death then, but nothing happened.

He opened his eyes cautiously to see you hunched over with your face in your hands. You were panting heavily.

"I can't do it" You mumbled through fingertips, "I can't do it."

The doll sat silently in his seat, actually forgetting about his open wound where you had stabbed him. The pain was numbed out by the utter confusion and shock he was feeling at that moment, mainly because he was still alive.

You looked up at him, then, lowering your hands. "I couldn't kill anyone. Not even an abomination like you. You're still alive and aware, human or not. I just can't do it."

His wide eyes flickered back and forth between yours, and for the first time in his life he actually didn't know how to respond. He couldn't even come up with a rude and witty one liner to put you in your place, he just sat there with his mouth agape.

"Urgh, why me." You muttered lowly, turning away from him and sitting properly in your seat. He was beyond confused now; it was like you suddenly didn't even comprehend his existence. "Why did this have to happen to me, of all people. I could be sitting at home right now, watching Netflix and eating popcorn. But instead I'm parked on the side of the road in God-knows-where with a living killer doll."

"What now?" Chucky managed to ask, but he hadn't even planned on saying it.

You turned to him with bored eyes. Eyes that looked like they couldn't care whether you died or not. "Why are you asking me? You're the one that decided to backstab me and make me drive us out here."

"Fuck you!" He yelled, but it sounded pathetic thanks to his injury. He pointed a finger accusingly at you. "You were the one that decided to backfire on me and mess up my foolproof plan!"

"Well, it obviously wasn't foolproof then, was it?" You argued, clearly angering Chucky. But, knowing there might be consequences, he didn't attack or argue back. As much as he hated it, you were in control again. There was nothing he could do against you.

'Wait a minute' he thought, 'I can't do anything against her, but I can try to get away from her. All I need to do is escape this damn car'

And now he realised how easy it would be- he was leaning against the door! All he needed to do was muster up enough energy to pull the handle and fall out. It was just his luck that you'd parked right next to forestry. Once he was out of the car, he could run into some bushes and loose you, then he could try and get some help.

"That wound is looking pretty bad" you commented randomly, snapping him out of his thoughts. He needed to escape- now or never. It probably wouldn't be long before you started the car up again, and he wouldn't jump out of a moving vehicle. Not with the damage he was in.

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