Chapter One - The Park

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Dakota's Point of View

"I can't believe Daddy bought me a red Ferrari." Yvonne complained as we walked through the school gates. "What part of pink doesn't he understand?"

"It's just plain disrespectful." Janet agreed. "If he wasn't going to get you the colour you wanted, he never should've asked."

"That's what I said." Yvonne took a sip from her takeaway coffee mug. "He claims it's because Ferrari's shouldn't be pink. Mother says just to let him do things his way. He doesn't complain about the furniture so we shouldn't complain about the cars."

"Your mother has no backbone." I said. "She lets him have his way with everything. I say if you want a pink Ferrari you demand a pink Ferrari. We shouldn't let men dictate our lives."

"Oh gosh, you're so right, Dakota." Yvonne praised. "We shouldn't let them control everything we do. They already control our last names. First when we're born, then when we're married. We shouldn't let them control everything."

"When I get married, I'm going to make him take my last name." I said. "I'm not going to change who I am for any man."

"You go girl." Janet cheered.

Heads turned as we walked through the school, but it didn't faze me. I was used to it.

"Argh, I have textiles first." Yvonne groaned as we approached our lockers. "Ms Mark is such a bitch. She doesn't let us show any creative individuality."

"I know, right." Yvonne agreed. "She's the reason I didn't take textiles. I had her for home economics in tenth grade. Once was plenty."

"I wish I didn't have to take it." Janet let out a frustrated sigh. "But if I want to be a fashion designer, it's going to come in handy."

"You're so lucky knowing what you want to do." Yvonne threw the coffee mug in the bin. "I'm still tossing up between a model and a singer. Daddy says I need to think more long term, but Mother said to ignore him and follow my heart. Which do you girls think I should do?"

I bit my tongue, stopping myself from pointing out that she wasn't thin enough to be a model and she couldn't sing for shit.

"It's not my place to say." I said instead. "You decide for yourself. Do what feels right."

"You're so great at giving advice." Janet gushed and Yvonne agreed. "What classes do you girls have first?"

"Art." Yvonne said, taking her sketch book out of her locker.

"I have physics."

"You're so smart." Janet said. "I never quite understood any of that science mumbo jumbo."

As I was taking my textbook out of my locker, the bell signalling that roll class was starting in five minutes sounded. I bid the girls goodbye and made my way to my roll class, nodding as people wished me a good morning on passing. And it was a good morning. As always. I loved my life.


The day passed quite uneventfully. I attended my classes, listed to Yvonne complain about her father at lunch and refrained from telling my friends how dim-witted they sounded. All in all, no different to any other school day.

"My brain hurts." Yvonne complained as we left the school grounds. "I want to do something before I have to start my homework."

Yvonne's brain generally hurt after a day at school, it wasn't used to being used. Like, at all. Her subjects weren't even hard and yet they were way above her intelligence level.

"I have a Frisbee in my car." Janet suggested. "We could go to the park and throw that around."

"Good idea." I agreed. "The fresh air will do us good."

We agreed which park to meet at before climbing into our separate cars. Yvonne looked less than impressed as she climbed into her red Ferrari. I was just thankful she had a car now, I no longer had to listen to her whining as I drove her to and from school.

The park was only a short drive away, in less than two songs I was pulling up in its small carpark. The moment I got out, Yvonne went back to complaining about the colour of her car. I tuned her out. She'd get over it eventually, she struggled to stay focused on one thing for too long.

We made our way over to the empty field, Janet carrying a Frisbee in one hand.

I noticed her almost straight away. She was sitting under a tree with a lit cigarette in one hand. Jet black hair, cold grey eyes and a tattered public-school uniform. Our eyes locked as my trio made our way past her, and a strange feeling past through me. I couldn't even begin to describe it. This girl, though I'd never seen her before, intrigued me. And I couldn't even begin to explain why.


Alex's Point of View

"Miss Brown, late again I see." Mr Delgado said as I walked into his first period English class ten minutes in. "Looks like you'll be getting another detention."

He wrote out the slip and handed it to me. Without even looking at it, I scrunched it up and threw it in the bin. He knew I never went, so why he bothered was beyond me. I threw myself into my seat and put my head on the desk, blocking out the rest of the lesson.

Come the end of third period I had had enough. I couldn't stand the place, with all its petty problems and judgement. Instead of going to fourth period, I threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked straight out the front gate. No one tried to stop me, although I did notice Mr Johnson watching me with warning eyes as I passed by his principal's office. It was always the same, he only bothered stopping the kid's whose parents cared. Whenever Rosie got the text saying I was truant, she just shook her head and continued what she was doing.

I made my way down the main street of town. No one cared enough to question why someone in a school uniform wasn't in school at that time. That was the thing about the town, nobody cared about anyone but themselves.

I took the long, roundabout way to get to the park, twisting a path through all the back streets. There was no hurry. I paused for a moment outside the cemetery, an overwhelming sadness filling me. But I shook the feeling away and continued on my way.

At the park, I threw my backpack onto the ground and leant against a shady tree. This was my favourite spot in the entire world. From my backpack, I pulled out a packet of cigarettes and my lighter. I lit one and took a long drag, instantly feeling my worries wash away.

I was on my third cigarette when they pulled up. Three shiny, expensive cars. A red Ferrari, a blue Mercedes and a black Porsche. I knew my car brands, even if that was all I knew about them. From each car came a girl in an immaculate private school uniform. A quick glance at my watch confirmed that school was, in fact, finished for the day.

From the Ferrari came a dark-skinned girl with a face like she'd just eaten a lemon. From the Mercedes came a red head who looked as excited as a small child to be at the park, she even had Frisbee clutched in one hand. I gave these two nothing more than a glance, but the third girl caught my attention.

From the Porsche emerged a girl with blonde curls falling half way down her back, not a lock appearing out of place. While she didn't look at all sour, like her red-haired friend, she didn't look sour like the other girl either. She simply looked like she was done with everything. I could relate to that. Although I didn't normally pay attention to rich people, this girl intrigued me. Although I couldn't quite put my finger on why. Perhaps it was because despite looking like she had it all she still wanted out. It annoyed me when rich kids thought they had it bad, but all I wanted to do was get to know her.

I shook that thought out of my mind. Girls like her didn't look twice at girls like me. But, as they walked past, instead of turning her nose up at the sight of me like her friends did, her eyes locked with mine. And there wasn't a hint of disgust in her bright blue eyes.

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