Chapter Seven - Invites

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Dakota's Point of View

I avoided the park for the next few days. I didn't know if Alex was going to be there, but I wanted to know exactly what I was going to say before I saw her.

"You seem distracted." Janet said one day at lunch.

"I just didn't sleep well last night." It wasn't entirely a lie. I hadn't been sleeping properly since I read the article. Alex had been constantly on my mind. But they didn't need to know all that.

"It hasn't just been today." Yvonne said. The fact that she noticed surprised me. She was always so self-absorbed.

"I haven't slept properly in a few nights." I said.

"Somethings going on." The way Janet was watching me, like she was trying to figure out what was going on inside my head, made me uncomfortable. "I just can't put my finger on it."

The bell rang, signalling that it was time to go to class.

Saved by the bell.

"You are hiding something." Janet said.

Oh, shit, I said that aloud.

"Yes. Yes, you did."


"Dakota, is that you?" Mummy called out the moment I opened the front door.

I walked up and ducked my head into the sitting room. Mummy was sitting in her chair beside Daddy's arm chair, which he was sitting in. Francis was leaning against one of the walls.

"We're having a party Friday week." Daddy said. "Feel free to invite your friends."

With that Daddy left the room, walking through the door which led to his office. Francis nodded and left to make his way upstairs, presumably to his bedroom.

"You should invite Alex if you see her." Mummy said.


"Show her that we don't blame her for what her father did."


"Seriously, what has been going on with you lately?" Janet asked as the two of us made our way to our English class. Yvonne was in another class. "You know you can trust me, right?"

"Remember that girl from the park?" I asked. "And how I saw her again at the cemetery?"

"Yeah, what about her?"

"Well, between those two days I spent every afternoon at the park. Hoping I would see her again."

"Why would you do that?"

"I don't know. There was just something about her that drew me in. Then, the day after the cemetery I saw her at the park again."

"What happened?"

"I told her I wanted to get to know her. She said I didn't. Told me her father is Malcom Brown."

"What does her father have to do with you not wanting to know her?"

"He was the one driving the car that hit us."


"But, that's her father." I said. "It wasn't her."

"Exactly." Janet said. "So, do you still want to get to know her?"

"Yeah." I didn't even have to think about it.

"Do you like her?" Janet asked.

"What on Earth do you mean?"

"Like, do you want to get to know her as more than just a friend?"

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