Chapter Twelve - She Said Yes

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Big thanks to Jay_Rebecca for suggesting the chapter name. I was quite stuck. Thanks, love.

Dakota's Point of View

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, with someone squished up against my back in a bed much too small for two people. Across the room, a girl lay sleeping in another bed. I slowly rolled over onto my back, careful not to fall to the floor in the process. Sleeping beside me was Alex, her hair a mess all over the pillow we were sharing.

"Don't expect her up for hours." I looked across at the other bed, where the girl was now sitting up watching me.

"Excuse me?"

She pushed her mess of dirty-blonde hair out of her eyes as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

"Alex." She nodded towards the sleeping girl. "Don't expect her up for hours. She's not at all a morning person."

"She got up at six yesterday." I said.

"On her own?"

"Well, no." I sat up and swung my leg over the edge of the bed. "I woke her when my alarm went off."

"I'm surprised you managed to wake her." The girl said. "She loves her sleep. I bet she was pissed."

"No." I reached down beside the bed to grab my metal leg. "Only slightly annoyed to begin with."

"Wow, she must really like you." I found it slightly unsettling the way the girl watched me as I put my leg on. "What happened to your leg?" She asked.

"I lost it in a car accident." I said.

"I'm sorry." She said. "Must really suck."

"Well I was only three." I finished putting the leg on. "I don't really remember what it was like having two legs."

I stood up, making sure the leg felt comfortable against my stump.

"At least you don't have a peg leg like a pirate." The girl said. "Although, that would be pretty cool."

"Yeah." I sat back down. "I went without until I was five. Then I started school, so I got a plastic one. I was growing so much I have a heap of them lying around. They were easier to replace than this one, but never quite fit right."

"When'd you get that one?" She asked.

"Couple of years ago." I said. "When I stopped growing."

"Well, I guess seen as Alex is sleeping, I'll be the good host and get you some breakfast." The girl stood up and stretched. "I'm Tiffany, by the way."

"Dakota." I said as we left the room, closing the door behind us.

"Like the American state?" She asked as we made our way down the hallway.

"Yeah." The main part of the house was empty, we were the first to wake up.

"Cool. I've always wanted to go to America." Tiffany said. "Have you ever been?"

"I've been a few times." I said. "Mostly for Daddy's work. But we went to Disney Land when I was thirteen."

"Cool. Maybe someday I'll get to go."

"I'm sure you will."

Tiffany got us both some Vegemite on toast and we took our plates into the lounge room to eat. As we sat on the couch eating, we talked. I learnt a lot about Tiffany. She was another one of Matt and Rosie's foster children. She was fourteen years old and had been in the system since she was born.

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