Chapter Thirteen - First Date

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Dakota's Point of View

"Why won't you tell me what's going on?" Janet asked during lunch one day.

"I have no idea what you mean." I said and took a bite from my apple.

"You've been overly happy all week." She said. "You're never this happy. So, something must be going on."

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen you smile so much." Yvonne added. "It's weird. Please tell us."

I was happy. Alex was taking me on a date on Saturday. I had no idea where she was taking me, but it didn't matter. As long as I got to spend time with her I'd be happy.

Janet and Yvonne were my best, and only, friends – besides Alex, of course – so I dicided it would be okay to tell them.

"I have a date." I said proudly.

"Oh, really?" I understood Janet's shock. I never went on dates. "When is it?"


"Well I hope you have a great time." Janet smiled.


"Who is it?" Yvonne asked. "I haven't seen you talking to anyone lately."

"I spent the weekend with them." I deliberately avoided directly answering her question. I didn't know how she'd react and didn't want a bad reaction to burst my bubble. Not yet.

"But you spent the weekend with..." I watched her expression change from one of curiosity to one of disgust as she connected the dots. "...that bitch from the park."

"Alex!" Janet practically squealed and I nodded. "Oh. My. God. That's so totally adorable. Isn't it cute, Yvonne?"

"Cute?" Yvonne spat. "It's fucking disgusting, that's what it is."

I bit back tears as my friend stood up and stormed off.

"Don't worry about her." Janet said. "Homophobic assholes like her aren't worth the time of day."

I gave her a weak smile.

"So, what are you going to wear?"


"I can't do this." I threw myself onto my bed.

It was Saturday afternoon and my excitement had been replaced with anxiety.

"Of course you can." Janet stepped out of my wardrobe, she had come over to help me choose an outfit. "This girl clearly makes you happy. So, you're going to get your ass of your bed, get dressed and go have fun."

I let out a sigh and rolled out of bed. Janet shook her head, a fond smile on her face, and handed me the outfit she had picked out. I took it and made my way into the bathroom.

"And remember," She called out as I was about to close the door. I ducked my head out to look at her. "I bags being maid of honour and god mother."

I chuckled and let the door swing closed behind me.


Alex's Point of View

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked Tiffany.

"Of course it is." She said. "I'm sure Dakota will love it."

I looked around. We spent the day setting up and it looked beautiful, if I do say so myself.

"I sure hope so." I said.

"I know so. Now, take me home then go get your girl."

I chuckled and we got into Matt's car, which he had let us borrow for the day.

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