Roxy Rocket

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The next morning at Arkham, Annie scanned her ID and entered the madhouse to which she worked. She was running a little late alongside her father who looked hassled.

"Come on now Annie. No messing about. Let's get into work quickly. A new inmate is temporarily being signed in today. Though I don't know why she is here. She is not insane."

Sure enough, when they entered the main doors a woman with flowing dark red hair was mouthing off to the prison guards. She was wearing a brown leather jacket with a black vest-top and had a brown belt around her waist to match the funky jacket. She was also wearing casual black leggings and small brown boots which even Annie would not mind having.

"Okay look losers." She started looking frustrated. "I am not insane. I don't belong in a hell-hole like Arkham or any asylum for that matter."

The Warden approached her whilst Annie stood back staring at how cool this woman's fashion sense was. "Look Roxanne..."

"That's Roxy Rocket to you sucker." Roxy prodded a finger into the Warden's chest as he spoke. The Warden remained unscathed as he puffed out his chest ignorantly.

"Don't talk to me like that Miss Sutton. I assure you it will only be a temporary measure. However I personally think the lot of you are insane. No good stunts makes you an idiot to be precise and your attitude matches the silly clothes you wear."

"Yeah yeah. Just get me a cell away from these psychos." Roxy said harshly. She noticed Annie hanging back and winked. "Hey there. How can you put up with this moron? Geez.. I have only spoken to him for two minutes and I have a headache already."

The Warden grabbed her arm roughly. "Enough of your lip madam otherwise you will not be getting the luxurious cell you want. Take her to her cell." He ordered motioning to the guards who followed his orders quickly and without discussion.

Annie stared after Roxy. She seemed like an interesting character. However because she was in no need for psychiatric evaluation, Annie knew that she would not have much to do with the woman. Surely it would not anyone any harm if she visited her just once would it?

"Hey Annie." Dr Blackwood had just come out of Killer Croc's cell. Annie thought that it was strange that she did not hear the usual growling.

"He's quiet for once." Annie nodded towards his cell.

"Yeah I went in there to do a session and the lazy bugger is asleep. Must have had a late night." Dr Blackwood shrugged.

"There is a new inmate. Roxy Rocket. She is only temporary here. Seriously her fashion sense is awesome and her attitude is pretty funny too." Annie giggled. Instead of expecting a giggle back, Dr Blackwood put on a fake smile.

"Really? How nice. Listen I was wondering if you wanted lunch with me in my office. Your dad has given me an office to work in just like the other doctors. Neat huh?"

"Cool. Although I was hoping to talk to Roxy. She seems like an interesting character to talk to. Plus she is sane unlike your recommended friend Ivy who mucked up my observation."

Dr Blackwood's fake grin grew very wide and it started to look unnerving. "But she is not sane so there is no need to interview her silly."

Annie shrugged. "Anyways better get back to work. I have the Scarecrow to interview. Wish me luck." She walked off not knowing Dr Blackwood's hands were tightening on her notepad and her eyes reflecting a cold look.

Rushing into her office, Harley brushed some papers off her desk in anger. "Roxy...Roxy." She put on a girly voice. "Interesting. PAH. What's so interesting about her?"

"Looks like you are jealous of her." Harley could picture Harleen smiling and mocking her.

"Shut up Harleen. Why would I be jealous? Who would be a more popular character in a film or tv show: her or me?"

Harley could practically hear Harleen in her head more than ever. "Most likely you. Not in a good way though. Your crazy after all. She is not."

"Not there. How many times do I have to tell you Harleen? Everyone is crazy. They just need one push and whoosh they can fly quicker to the nuthouse quicker than you can say crackers."

The voice in Harley's head stopped. Harley put her hands to her head and wiped the sweat off of it. A knock interrupted her moment and she turned to see a prison guard waving at her.

"Hello Dr Blackwood. Just come from the Riddler's cell. He is really playing up and Croc's fast asleep still. Hope he has died. Do us all a favour. Are you visiting Riddler now?"

"Later officer." Dr Blackwood smiled. "After lunch."

"Right." The prison officer left leaving Dr Blackwood alone in her office.

"Wait." She muttered to herself. "Annie is seeing the Scarecrow at the moment. This could be my chance." She slipped a small needle into her pocket and headed towards Crane's cell.


"So Mr Crane. Tell me what you are afraid of." Annie started taking notes as the Scarecrow mocked her.

"Afraid? I have learnt to manage all my fears. It is you who should be afraid doctor. Afraid of your own existence and sanity."

"That's enough." Dr Blackwood barged in grabbing Crane's arm. "Annie. Are you ok?" Without Annie seeing, she prodded the small needle into Scarecrow's arm. Blue serum slowly made his way inside his veins.

"OW" The Scarecrow rubbed his arm.

"Nothing to be afraid of Mr Crane." Dr Blackwood grinned winking at Annie as she left.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Annie looked startled at his whimpering.

"Bloody people. They have no care for anyone in here at all." Scarecrow replied angrily unfortunately dodging the question. After all, doctors poked at him with needles all the time. Nothing to be afraid of.

Annie shrugged and quickly finished off her session heading to lunch. Heading towards Dr Blackwood's office, she passed the corridor to which Roxy had been held in. Checking to see if nobody was looking, Annie silently made her way to the cell in which she was held.

"Roxy?" Annie whispered.

"In here." Roxy waved. "So you are Mr Sharp's daughter huh? Annie right? Poor you. Listen kid, I would not be working here with all of these nutsos walking around. You could get hurt."

Annie shrugged. "Occupational hazard. So I heard you were a stunt woman. Pretty cool and I love your style. Bit rich talking about me getting hurt right?"

Roxy Rocket laughed. "I like your attitude kid. You got charisma. Works for someone working here. Well at least the majority. Just as long as you do not go mad."

"Like Harleen Quinzel?" Annie asked.

"Ahh so you know about that whiny little bitch. Not Harleen anymore kiddo. It's Harley. Harley Quinn. She went mad when she started doing therapy sessions with her lover boy."

Annie nodded. "I was trying to look up her file."

Roxy placed a hand on her hip. "Why so interested? You fallen for an inmate or something."

Annie blushed and looked taken aback. "No. Why would you say that? I just thought it was interesting."

"Yeah well best to stay away Honey. That lady is C-R-A-Z-Y." Roxy told her spelling out the words.


After lunch, Dr Blackwood walked to her session to do her last therapy session of the day. The Riddler annoyed her. Who was he trying to be anyway? The Joker? She laughed a little as she opened his door.

"Mr Nigma?"

"Where's my rubix cube? The one you took yesterday."

Dr Blackwood held it up for him to see. "You want it." She said throwing it to her other hand and started to juggle. "Come and get it."

The Riddler reached out to take the small puzzle but Dr Blackwood threw it out of his reach. She grabbed his hand quickly and injected him with the same blue serum she gave to Bane, Killer Croc, Scarecrow and a couple of other unlucky inmates. They were so deranged they did not even know what was happening.

"Next time warn me if you are going to inject me." The Riddler scowled at her before bending down and picking up his rubix cube.

"Sorry Mr N...I mean Nigma." She corrected herself.

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