Roxy vs Harley

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"HOW LONG MORE AM I GOING TO BE IN HERE?" Roxy shouted through the bars of her cell. She was so bored since waiting was not her best pastime. The thrill and excitement of her adventures outside in the city made her who she was. A stunt-woman desperate to partake in the most amazing stunts unimaginable to men and women. She was not the only one who thought her stunts were incredible. A certain someone darted back and forth in between open cells and took a deep breath before facing Roxy.

"Phew that was close." Annie grinned staring at Roxy. "I almost got caught by one of the guards. They would find it suspicious if I was seen talking to you."

Roxy gave Annie a high-five. "Glad you made it though right? I could see you now: The Amazing Annie ready for another daring adventure. It would be so cool. You and me kid working together. Once of course I see my lawyer. I mean, riding on a rocket throughout Gotham is no crime right?"

Annie frowned, rolling her eyes. She did not say anything due to Roxy thinking less of her but she knew that this woman used to work for a crime lord. Nonetheless Roxy was sane and friendly to her unlike some of the other inmates. Looking at her timetable, she noticed that Two-Face was first thing tomorrow morning.

"What's that?" Roxy asked her looking at the timetable.

Annie showed her. "It's my timetable. See? These are the inmates I have to interview throughout the week."

Roxy placed her finger and looked over the inmates. "So which one is your favourite?" Looking up at Annie quickly, she noticed her taken aback at this abrupt yet maybe meaningful question.

"I am not allowed to have favourites. All of my patients are ill and need to be treated equally." Annie answered.

"Uh-huh." Roxy did not look convinced. "Well remember what I told you about Harley Quinn. Don't go down that route. I may be bad but I am not crazy."

"You do not seem that bad. After all you are talking to me and not being mean or anything." Annie pointed out. She was happy to see a hint of appreciation in Roxy's eyes.

"Thanks kid."

A loud "ahem" made the two girls stare at the doorway of the cell. It was Dr Blackwood. She came in with a stern face and crunched up a piece of paper she was holding.

"Annie, what are you doing here?" She said sharply glaring at Roxy. "She does not need to be interviewed. You girls having a little party or something?" She smirked at Roxy giving her the evil eye.

"HA you wish. Bet you would not be invited though. Looking like that and all."

Dr Blackwood came closer and her voice changed becoming more dangerous. Annie had never seen her so angry. "Looking like what exactly?"

"Ok." Annie decided to step in as Roxy was searching for the right punchline to insult the doctor. "I apologise Dr Blackwood. I became lost on the way. Besides, what are you doing down here?"

Dr Blackwood hesitated then spoke. "Confidential matters. There are inmates down there that experienced therapist interview. Not for an intern." She said the word intern as if it was a illness.

Annie's voice became cold. "What do you know?"

Dr Blackwood grabbed her arm. "I know more things than you Dr Sharp. Plus hanging around with scum like her would not impress your father would it?"

Annie started to worry. If her father heard about this, he would wonder why she was visiting Roxy and perhaps belittle her, seeing her as not worthy to be a good therapist. After all, it is not professional to treat certain people better because they were her in her favourite category of inmates. "I'm going. Good luck Roxy."

"Aww kid. Don't let this bitch tell you what to do." Annie left leaving Roxy and Dr Blackwood alone.

"Well look what you have done? Poor kid. She probably does not even want to do this. Being stuck in a hell-hole like Arkham would mess with you quicker than I say jammy dodgers...WOAH."

Dr Blackwood had grabbed Roxy and forced her up against a wall holding her jacket. "So how's Penguin? Still squawking?" she grinned still maintaining her professional tone.

"I don't know what your problem is lady but you can get the hell off of me. Plus your smile is hella creepy. You should get that checked out."

Instantly, Dr Blackwood's voice started to change. "Aww Roxy. Still the same old smart-aleck wannabe that lost out."

Roxy recognised that voice. She quickly lunged at her pulling her black hair.

"NO." Dr Blackwood screaming clutching her hair. Roxy gasped seeing seeing strands of blonde hair starting to come out. Roxy quickly whacked the doctor across the face and grabbed her hair (or wig) off. Holding the wig, she noticed the doctor rubbing her sore face and glaring at Roxy with cold blue eyes. However Roxy was no longer feeling anger but fear as she suddenly realised.

"Harley?" She gasped.

"Hi Roxy." Harley's voice dripped with sarcasm. Her hair was wild and Roxy could see her face about to erupt with laughter. "Pretty funny." She pointed to the wig and started laughing. "Do you mind?"

Roxy started to bang on the cell door. "HARLEY QUINN IS HERE IN THE CELL WITH ME."

Harley (sensing trouble) quickly injected Roxy with yellow serum which ad a different effect compared to the blue one. "Sorry Roxy. Gotta keep up the charade." She laughed taking the wig from a crazy Roxy. Putting back on the wig, she started screaming pressing a button on her doctor's outfit. As quick as a flash, guards came rushing in wondering why on earth the doctor had rang the emergency button. Seeing Roxy making wailing noises and bashing herself against the walls of the cell was enough for the guards to restrain her.

"Dr Blackwood? Are you all right?" One guard approached her.

"I am fine. She just went crazy on me. I thought she was sane. Problem is we cannot keep her here. Arkham's cells are full up since we are holding crazies and some sane people here. I will chat to Mr Sharp." She grinned as she left a screaming Roxy to be taken away by the guards.

At that moment, Dr Blackwood had to look no further as the warden came running to see what was happening.
"She's gone crazy."

"Yes I see that thank you Dr Blackwood." The warden looked strained. "We don't have any more room for these people."

Dr Blackwood thought quickly. "I am sure it is just a manic episode. She seemed very distressed at being here. I do not see her as crazy - just having a nervous breakdown."

The warden nodded. "This girl is pure drama. Take her to Blackgate first thing this afternoon."

"Smart thinking Sharp." Dr Blackwood nodded leaving a screaming Roxy to the guards.


Annie came storming into her father's office at lunch-time. She was shocked to hear of the news that Roxy Rocket was been transferred to Blackgate prison straight after lunch.

"Dad! What on earth? What happened?"

"Roxanne Sutton had a nervous breakdown Annie. She attacked Doctor Blackwood. Rest assured Dr Blackwood has notified us that a nervous breakdown could just be a one-off thing."

"Well obviously. I had one not that long ago. Bit soon."

The warden noticed Annie looking upset. "Why do you care so much? She is a no-good criminal Annie."

Annie shrugged. "She was sane dad." She left his office. There was no way she could visit Roxy now. Guards were present at her cell door until her departure. However Annie knew that they were moving her straight after lunch. Looking at her timetable, Annie noticed she had Ivy next. Rolling her eyes, she decided to skip the session for a few minutes just to see Roxy out. Nearing the end of lunch, she waited near the main doors where Roxy would be passing. She noticed a small van parked outside the asylum and started to feel very down about the whole situation.

"I don't get it." Annie muttered. "She was fine. Maybe Dr Blackwood said something to her which made her go crazy. A old memory perhaps."

"GET LOST PUNKS." The guards were taking Roxy out early. Dr Blackwood had come to watch and approached a yelling Roxy. She whispered in her ear. "Courtesy of me and Mr J." She smirked putting something in Roxy's pocket.

"IT'S HARLEY QUINN. SHE IS DR BLACKWOOD." Roxy screamed nearly out of the front door. She spotted Annie. "Be careful kid." These were her last words as she was practically thrown into the white van and taken away.


"Aww kiddo. I am sorry." Dr Blackwood approached a sad Annie who was making her way to Ivy's cell. "She just went crazy on me."

Annie rounded on her. "She was fine. You must have said something."

"Now now calm down sweetie. I never said anything. Truth be told you did not actually know her for long. Plus think she cared about you? She would have dropped you in sludge the moment she was free. Take it from me, you try and try from these people and nearly all of them do not care."

Annie remembered something and grabbed Dr Blackwood's arm. "She said you were Harley Quinn."

Dr Blackwood gave her a confused look. "Never heard of her. Oh the Joker's girlfriend right?" She chuckled. "Geez maybe she should be declared insane. My name is Poppy Blackwood. I feel insulted to be compared to a lunatic."

"Your right. I'm sorry. I was just upset to see her go. Can get pretty lonely in here."

Dr Blackwood hugged her. "Don't I know it? Anyways best get back to our therapy sessions. We are late."

Leaving Annie to her thoughts, Dr Blackwood went into her office closing the door gently behind her. "Poor Roxy. Me, Harley Quinn?" She said sadly then started chuckling leading to more laughter and more until she fell on the floor hysterical. Wiping her eyes, she chuckled again. "Woo Boy. That is funny."


Roxy put her head in her hands in the van. "That kid is in trouble." She then remembered something. Looking in her pocket, she found a small tissue with the words "HA HA HA SUCKER" printed in black pen covering the white handkerchief with dark stains.

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