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"Your here Two-Face. Blackgate prison. Lucky for you nutsos, you get a nice separate department away from the 'normal' criminals." One guard stated as he pushed Two-Face out of the van. Two-Face looked around and noticed he was in Blackgate prison car park.

"Shit. This place looks dull." He mumbled to himself.

"What did you expect? A hotel? Move it." The prison officers roughly hoisted him forwards and led him inside. All looked pretty normal compared to Arkham. The prisoners were playing cards, watching tv quietly and generally just getting on with day-to-day activities the prison offered. These included sowing, cooking, decorating and painting. Two-Face looked interested in the decorating and noticed one prisoner making a necklace out of sequins.

'I wish we got the opportunity to do things like this.' The light side of Harvey thought. "Annie would love this." He said out loud not meaning to. The other guards looked at each other and laughed.

"Think she would be interested in a creep like you?" One guard commented.

"Yeah not anyone's fault you have an ugly mug." Another laughed. Some of the prisoners chuckled. Two-Face grabbed two prison officers up off their feet.

"Dr Blackwood is Harley Quinn. You have to believe me. That bitch is getting away with everything. She is up to something." One of the prisoners, a red-haired biker girl looked up at this and stared at Harvey.

"SHUT IT." One of the guards pinned Two-Face down on one of the canteen tables making the other prisoners gather around.

"What are you all staring at?" Two-Face hissed at them. They did not seem too intimidated. Some of them went back to their game of cards and looked disinterested.

"Come on Two-Face. You know you are not allowed to be in here. Take him down to the basement cells away from the others." One senior guard commanded. Before he left, the red-haired girl bounded up to him.

"Recognise this?" She muttered showing him a tissue with the words HA HA SUCKER in black printed all over. Some of it looked smudged but Two-Face knew instantly the familiar object that was given to him yesterday. Before he could answer he got taken away.


Meanwhile back at Arkham Asylum, Annie was missing Two-Face. Her father was a little off with her since yesterday's incident. One thing that she was happy about involved her just coming in to some paperwork. There were no therapy sessions scheduled on her timetable for today. Annie had arranged with Dr Blackwood to meet for lunch in her office but kept beating herself up about the missed chance of reading Harleen's file.

Annie felt an idea flash straight into her head. "Dr Blackwood's office." She muttered to herself. Quickly, she got up and walked briskly to the office. Knowing that Dr Blackwood was in a therapy session right now, this would be the perfect time to search around for that missing file. Annie stepped in and began looking through drawers, tables and cupboards to find what she was looking for.


At Blackgate, the red-haired biker girl was on free time (being let out of her cell) so decided to go down to the basement to visit Two Face. It would not be easy as guards kept a close eye on her so she had to think up a plan.
Noticing a bald, thick looking man entering the room she waved at him.

"Hey. Yes you. Baldy. Come here."

The bald man gestured a finger to himself mouthing "Me?" to which she nodded. He slowly made his way over to her with a big grin on his face.

"I need you to do a favour for little old me okay? What's your name?"

The man nodded. "Simon. Anything you say Roxy."

Soon enough, the prison officers crowded around Simon as he created a distraction for Roxy to enter out of the main hall and down to the basement. It wasn't hard as all of the prison officers were concentrating on avoiding hits and punches from Simon who had 'gone crazy' on Roxy's orders.

Making her way downstairs, Roxy found Two-Face's cell quickly.

"Well, well. Seems like me and you need a little chat." Roxy told him.

Two-Face glared at her but nodded. "Dr Blackwood is Harley Quinn. We need to escape somehow and find her."

Roxy shook her head sadly. "I know. You see I got this too." She showed him her own tissue with the same words printed on it. "I tried to warn the others including Annie but Harley is clever."

"Agreed." Two-Face looked nervous at the sound of Annie's name. His face turned to sadness and Roxy could see him getting agitated.

"You were her favourite. She told me." Roxy commented giving him a smile.

"I never cared so much about a shrink before. Let's face it, I will never see her again. She was the only one who made me feel...one."

A loud banging interrupted this sentimental moment. "OY. Your not supposed to be down here." A guard came running towards Roxy who gasped. She was taken away and mouthed three words to Two-Face.

"She won't win."


Annie was still searching for that file. She sighed. "Maybe this is a waste of time. Perhaps I am being too harsh on Dr Blackwood. I am being..." Annie cut her words off with a gasp as she searched under a cupboard with her hand. It felt like a file. It was. Wiping off the dust that existed, she noticed the name. "Harleen Quinzel" on the front. Why did Dr Blackwood take this? There was no time to answer as Annie heard footsteps coming from outside the hall. They were getting closer. Not taking any chances, Annie hid in a closet positioned at the back of the room behind the main desk. She held her breath and grasped the file tightly as she heard someone enter.

"Phew what a session."

Annie frowned. That did not sound like Dr Blackwood. It had a girly, thick and distinguishing New York accent to it. It did not sound professional at all. Peering out of the closet door ever so carefully she noticed Dr Blackwood sitting with her back to her at the desk.

"Of course I am sure Harleen. Nobody knows nothing. Those two creeps that did got out of here. I am clever like that unlike you."

Annie gasped seeing the doctor talking to herself. Why was she calling herself Harleen?

"What about the kid? You know I will not hurt her. HARLEEN PLEASE. GET OUT OF MY HEAD."

Annie became afraid as the doctor started shouting. She did not sound or act like herself at all. Annie just wanted her to leave so that she could escape with the file. Her eyes widened in horror as she watched Dr Blackwood take off her hair...no wig. She had long blonde hair tied up in a bun. Annie closed the closet door very quietly and opened the file. A picture revealing Harleen's face made Annie feel sick. Knowing the truth, she waited anxiously. It was over if Dr Blackwood...no Harley Quinn opened the door. What would she say? Hearing Harley speak again, she pressed her ear up against the door. Opening it again would be too risky.

"Ahh. I feel great. Mr J will be so happy." She said happily reading her timetable. For what seemed like hours to Annie, Harley finally got up and exited the room. Waiting a couple of minutes, Annie took her chance to escape and opened the closet door. She held the file tightly and grabbed the door handle to get outside. Once outside, she carefully shut the door and turned around to see Dr Blackwood smiling at her.

"Whoopsie. Must have forgotten something. Don'tcha just hate it when that happens?" She gave out a giggle and pointed to the office. Annie winced as she heard her speak in her Harley Quinn accent. "Inside sweetie. Now."

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