You have no proof kid

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Harley Quinn pushed Annie into her office and locked the door. Then she removed her disguise and laughed looking at the horror on Annie's face.

"What are you going to do to me? You lied about everything." Annie shouted at her. Instantly, Harley grabbed Annie by the throat and pinned her to a wall.

"Keep your voice down." She hissed. "You want me to get caught is that it?" Watching Annie nod yes made her chuckle. "Of course you would. True I have been lying to you kiddo. I had to for..."

"Your Mr J." Annie cut in spitting the words out at her as if she had a bad taste in her mouth. Harley shrugged.

"I believe that is mine." Harley snatched the file from Annie's hands. "You know Annie, you should not take things that do not belong to you. Especially my things."

"I am telling everyone." Annie spoke up bravely. "Your finished. I owe Roxy and Two-Face that. It was you wasn't it that set them up. YOU EVIL BITCH." Annie began trying to hit her but broke down into tears. "You know how much I cared about those two people."

"What about me? I cared about you too. Know why? You remind me of me." Harley grinned.

Annie sniffed. "I am nothing like you. Your a monster and you scare the hell out of me." She kicked Harley in the shin making Harley yelp. Annie ran for the door but did not get there in time. As quick as a flash Harley used her gymnastic abilities to dive for Annie giving her a swift kick in the back. Before falling to the ground, Harley grabbed her and threw her into the office chair.

"What should I do with you? Such a shame Annie." Harley pulled out an injection containing the blue serum. Annie tried to get up but was forced down again.

"I said sit." Harley said through clenched teeth. Then she sounded sweet. "Just a little prick I promise."

"No." Annie began to cry. Harley rolled her eyes.

"Annie sweetie please."

Annie started shaking. "What is it going to do?"

"Oh geez. Just put you to sleep that is all. Nothing to worry about. Since you like the closet so much, I think you can spend a little more time in there. We can always have a proper chat later in the car."

"CAR?"Annie started to protest but Harley stuck the needle in making Annie feel drowsy. Soon enough, her eyelids felt heavy and she fell into a deep sleep. Harley carried her to the closet, tied her up and locked it. She smiled as she stepped out of the office door and locked it.


"Harley?" Ivy looked shocked when Harley (disguised as Dr Blackwood) entered her cell.

"She caught me Red. I have to move quickly and give all of the inmates, except you of course, the yellow serum by tonight."

Ivy looked shocked. "Yellow serum?"

Harley tapped her nose. "It's a surprise."

"And what exactly are you going to do about Annie's mysterious disappearance?" Ivy asked watching Harley think for a moment.

"I got it." Harley brightened up. "I will just tell Sharpee that Annie wants to stay with me for a bit. You know as Dr Blackwood."

"I get it." Ivy dryly stated. "However what about me?"

"Like I said, you and her are coming with me Red. I got a car parked at around 3am tonight. I have to beg Sharpee for that night shift. Should get lucky as nobody wants to do it."

"I thought doctors did not work at night?" Ivy asked.

"Nah. Sharpee made this rule that one doctor has to in case of...accidents." Harley smiled. "But don't worry. People are sleeping. This doctor today says to me 'They are all sleeping.' I laughed in her face HA HA HA like that...then I shot her."

Ivy rolled her eyes. "Your crazy Harl."

"She's in the boot of my car." Harley boasted closing her eyes and expressing her pride. Ivy pretended to clap and Harley frowned.

"Anyways see you tonight Red." Putting back on the disguise, Harley left Ivy alone in her cell with her plant for company.

As luck would have made it, Harley spotted the warden bumbling in and out of cells. He was checking up on doctors who messed around and did not get on with their work.

"Mr Sharp? May I request your attention?" Dr Blackwood walked over to him.

"Dr Blackwood? Briefly. I have to get on with paperwork. Have you seen my daughter?"

"That is what I wanted to talk about. Annie is not well. She has gone home...well back to my place. I thought it would be a good idea to practice therapy sessions there."

"Umm...ok if it would help her. To be honest doctor I feel she needs to try harder anyways. She did not sign out the naughty girl."

Dr Blackwood rolled her eyes. "Silly Annie. There." She signed Annie out then proceeded to ask something else.

"Mr Sharp. I am free to do the night shift for tonight if you like. Gives Annie a chance to rest and I am free tonight."

The warden thought for a moment then clapped his hands together. "Of course. After all nobody else wants to do it. Okay, Dr Blackwood you have twisted my arm."

Dr Blackwood laughed then walked away satisfied. Her lunch break was due and she decided to go out into the city to get some circus decorations for the big party ahead. Noticing that she had a free period ahead, she decided to take her time.

Upon arriving back at the Asylum, she went back into her office to do some paperwork. She opened the closet door and found Annie awake. Harley remembered that she had only given her a small dosage as she wanted to talk.

"Oh your awake?" Harley smiled.

Annie had a gag around her mouth and could only mumble.

"No use sweetie. Nobody can hear you. Anyways..." she took out her file and began to show Annie the information. "That's me looking fun and perky." Harley showed her pictures and turned the pages over. She could just about hear Annie mumble out something she had heard a hundred times before.

"Your crazy." Annie struggled to break free but the ropes were too tight.

"Blah blah blah. Heard it all before doc. You know it starts to get pretty annoying. Anyways I have just had a word with your daddy and he said I can do the night shift here so me and you can have some fun." She hugged Annie. "But first kiddo, your sweet and gentle clown friend has to do a job. Be right back." She laughed shutting the closet door. Walking over to the cupboard, she revealed a great number of injections filled with yellow serum. Putting some in her pocket, she walked out of the office and left Annie alone. 'May as well get some done' while I have a chance' she thought. It was pretty easy and quick as the inmates were fast asleep.

"Geez. This place is hopeless. They don't even check." Harley shrugged. "Move fool them. Ooh Mr J is going to be so happy."


Night came and the staff started to make their way home. The warden approached Dr Blackwood. "Have a lovely night." His voice dripped with sarcasm to which she gave a fake smile. Once the majority had gone, Harley finished off her work - injecting all of the inmates with yellow serum. Nothing looked like it was happening but Harley knew the outcome.

"Hey. Dr Blackwood right?" A guard passed her.

Dr Blackwood giggled. "Yes."

"I was just wondering if you would like to...I dunno go out or..."

Dr Blackwood waved him off. "Not interested."

"But..." the guard grabbed her arm. Big mistake. Dr Blackwood started shouting.

"YOU GOT A PROBLEM OR SOMETHING. I AM NOT INTERESTED." As a quick reflex, she thrust an injection needle into his arm. "Uh-oh." She looked nervous.

The guard screamed. She could see his eyes turning bloodshot crazy and he started to convulse...foam dripping from his mouth. Dr Blackwood ran to the nearest window.

"Come here sweetie." She waved at him. He started towards her with a massive grin. "Feeling a little crazy?" she asked. He nodded.

"Yeah. Why are you?"

Dr Blackwood took off her wig. She did not care since the poor guard's mind was lost. "Yeah." She smiled back. "I think I am actually." She shrieked with laughter as she pushed him with great force. The man toppled backwards and went right through the window screaming.

"Oh dear." Harley looked down. "Looks quite a drop." She whistled and walked away skipping down the quiet hall.

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