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As soon as the Joker, Harley and Annie arrived at Arkham, they started unloading some circus decorations out of the car they had stolen. Annie hesitated but knew that the Joker could turn on her if she did not help in some way. Harley had whispered to her to try and help with the menial tasks.

"Well looks like we are here. I can't wait till 3am. I think...a magic show would cheer up those loonies and guards alike. Not that they are different to each other anyway." The Joker said shrugging. He laughed wanting both Annie and Harley to do the same. "Problem is the majority of staff have gone home including the warden. No fun there."

Harley came up with a suggestion. "Maybe we could wait till the morning puddin. The inmates will be in their cells anyway."

The Joker rolled his eyes. "I suppose."

Harley had to nudge Annie before she let out a nervous chuckle. Harley let the Joker walk on a bit before turning to Annie.

"Listen sweetie. Whatever happens I will look after you."

Annie scoffed. "Sure. Face it. You do anything he says because you are a doormat." Annie left Harley to her thoughts and walked on.


The night guards had an easy job of keeping the inmates in check since all of them just slept night and day. Nobody complained or called the police to investigate. If anything, everyone seemed thankful however the warden had a different view. He thought that this was all a hoax and the inmates would wake up eventually.

"Maybe they only pretend to be asleep when we are watching. However I don't get about how they eat or drink."
He had said to various members of staff who just simply shrugged it off.

Nonetheless at 3am all of the inmates would not be sleeping. Although all of the staff would have wished that it would have stayed that way.


"Ahh Dr Blackwood. Dr Sharp. What is that?" One of the guards asked as Dr Blackwood and Annie came arrived at the main doors carrying a big black box.

"It is just supplies." Dr Blackwood cheerfully stated.

"That is great but we still have to check." The guard muttered coming over to the box. Annie looked at Harley who was biting her lip and grinning.

"Ok you asked for it." She said opening the box to reveal The Joker who sprang up and plunged two knives into the guard's chests. Annie felt sick at this and tried to run but Harley caught her arm.

"Looks like she is trying to escape." The Joker frowned.

Harley glared at Annie then turned to Joker with a smile. "No she's not Mr J. She just is a little nervous about the magic show."

The Joker gave out a laugh. "Well see you in a bit." He laid back inside the box and closed it. "A little help her girls. This box is not going to move by itself." He shouted from inside.

Harley pulled Annie over to the box. "Do it if you ever want to see your daddy live." She hissed. Annie breathed in then grasped one end. "We are taking it to my office."

Once inside Dr Blackwood's office, Dr Blackwood removed her disguise and told Annie to get changed into her outfit in the closet.

"Your familiar with the closet?" Harley teased. "Ooh you will look so pretty."

Annie went inside the closet and started to get into the ballerina outfit. She blinked out tears here and there and sniffed a couple of times. She was terrified and had no idea what the lunatics would both do in the magic show. The time had just turned to 3am and both Harley and Joker clapped their hands together.

"Looks like we do not have to wait till morning after all." The Joker grinned as he heard noise and laughter coming from all of the cells. "They are all mad. The guards will investigate leaving us to swoop in and take control of the Asylum."

Sure enough, the guards were confused as to how the quiet and peaceful inmates all started becoming raving mad at once.

"Quiet in there." One guard banged on Scarecrow's door.

"Ivy has escaped." Another muttered. The guards were starting to panic. An escaped prisoner. This would indeed cost them their jobs.

"How did this happen? What on earth is going on?"

One guard opened Killer Croc's cell ready to give him a telling off. "NO YOU FOOL." Another came chasing after him. Too late. Killer Croc was now looking as savage as ever and jumped at the guards in his mad state. His mouth was foaming and his eyes looked that of a ruthless killer. The guard's screams were heard leaving more guards to come. Some of the night doctors were held back and protected. Whilst they were distracted, both Joker and Harley started letting all of the crazy inmates out of their cells.

"It's Joker and Harley Quinn." One guard panicked. "They are releasing the inmates." He tried to make his way to the control panel but Harley got there first and held the gun up to his head. The guard started sweating when he saw the Joker whistling and walking up to him. It was even more horrific seeing the inmates being let out and seemed even crazier than before.

"Greetings there. I am flattered you know who I am Mr umm..." He held up the guard's name badge. "Pointer. I invite you to our glorious magic show that will be taking place at 7am when your colleagues and delightful boss get here. For now I would like you to remain calm." He chuckled whilst Harley tied the guard up.

"You will not get away with this you evil clowns. People will realise what you have been up to."

The Joker let out a sigh. "Gee. I really thought you would be excited. People? What people? You did not even do anything when the inmates were sleeping. That is neglect you know."

"N-e-g-l-e-c-t." Harley spelt it out spinning the guard around in the chair. "Ooh better check on Annie." She rushed to the office and saw Annie in her dress. "Oh Annie you look lovely." Annie noticed the genuine tone in her voice and felt flattered. However when she stepped outside and saw the chaos, she shrank back.

"I can't go out there. They are all crazy."

"It's ok. Mr J will talk to them." As if on cue, the Joker spoke in a microphone and his voice projected from the speakers all over Arkham.

"Ladies and gentlemen. There has been a slight change in tonight's procedures. Since all of you have been behaving so nicely, me and Harl thought it best we treat you to a magic show. Hosted by us of course. No need to thank us please." The Joker laughed. "As soon as the chumps who hold you down and look up at you as if you are the scum of the earth, well let's just say that it is your turn to give back the favour."


"All very quiet in here." The staff chuckled as they came in at 7am ready to start their working day. The warden followed behind. It did seem very eerie.

"No point in even having an asylum." The warden rolled his eyes. His statement was about to be contradicted when a massive outburst coming down from the hallway scared the staff.

"It's the inmates. THEY ARE FREE AND RUNNING TOWARDS US." The staff tried to go out the front door but both Killer Croc and Bane stood there blocking their escape.

Looking up at the control panel booth, the warden could make out three people. One of them was tied to a chair, the other was holding a microphone and the last of them was jumping up and down in joy.

"Good morning staff. I thought we would try something a bit different today. After all, work is boring isn't it. Coming into a dull and dreary asylum would make anybody feel depressed." The Joker's voice echoed. The warden looked terrified.

"The Joker. Here." The person tied to the chair was moved to the front of the booth to reveal her face. The warden's face now turned papery white. "Annie?"

"It's a shame you had to shoot the other guard Mr J." Harley glanced back at the dead guard laying at the back.

"Had to give the chair to someone." The Joker told her.

Harley hugged Annie. "Yes but remember this one is mine. Nobody hurts her."

"Fine Harl as long as nothing mucks up this show."

At this point, the inmates had gathered all of the staff into a corner. The Joker came down with Annie and Harley. Harley had Annie at gunpoint. "Nothing to worry about sweetie." She whispered in her ear. "But if you do something funny then I have no problems shooting your dad. Got it?"

Annie nodded and played along. What else could she do? She was helpless. All of the inmates looked so menacing now that they were out of their cells.

"Let's make our way to the theatre room." The Joker laughed.

"We do not have a theatre room." The warden cried. "Just let my daughter go. Please. I will do anything." He spoke. The Joker put his hands up.

"Hey I am not the one in charge of her. Talk to Harl."

"NO." Harley wrapped her arms around Annie protectively.

"Well I will call it a theatre room as I am in charge here now. Plus it has a stage and lots of seats." The Joker shrugged slapping the warden's face.

Harley burst out laughing but Annie tried to struggle out of her grip. "You will not get away with this." Annie mumbled.

"Watch us." Harley muttered.

Once inside the theatre room, the Joker clapped his hands and waved to the audience. On the left side, there sat the inmates all chanting loudly and laughing. On the right sat the frightened staff and warden who by Joker's request sat at the front. There was an inmate present at every exit in the room. There were steps leading up the seats so it looked more like the layout of a cinema. At the front was a stage in which the Joker, Harley and Annie all sat.

The Joker stood up and spoke with a loud booming voice. "Friends welcome to the Joker's...."

"And Harley." Harley piped up making the Joker frown.

"And Harley's Magic Show. We hope you will have a great time and live to the end. Well don't be so rude audience on the right hand side: CLAP."

Out of fear, the staff clapped.

"This will not only be a magic show but also Harley will read out some questions."

"Kind of like a quiz." Harley pointed out.

"Let's hope you play along and guess correctly for your own sake. LET THE SHOW BEGIN."

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