Chapter 13: Interrogation

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When I woke up, the cold steel of the metal surface that I was on was the first thing I noticed. Wherever I placed my hands, the metal chilled them to the bone. It was medicinal and cruel. It reminded me of one of those tables you see people place bodies on in a morgue.

I looked around the room, and saw that it could be barely considered one. It was more like a closet than anything else. The walls were arm's length apart, and as soon as I got up, I found myself just a few short inches away from the door. The room was big enough to contain what I had been lying on, which I guessed was my bed, along with a small toilet. There were no windows, and a small fluorescent light above me covered by a metal panel.

The door in front of me was barely visible. The outline of the entire thing had been designed to be hidden in the steel sides of the room, making it look like it was part of the wall. There was no window on the door either, making the only light in the room the one that was above me. It was like being inside of a small tin can.

I looked at my body, which I now just realized had been changed dramatically. All of my clothes had been taken off, and been replaced with a small hospital gown. As I looked at my exposed skin, I noticed small white objects with black dots on top of them attached to every part of my body. I could feel them everywhere, and seemed to dig into me every time I shifted my muscles.

I looked at one of the small objects that was on my hand, and I reached over and tried to pull it off. But as soon as I tugged on the white circle, I felt a large amount of pain, and a small trickle of blood began to flow from underneath it. I grimaced, and could feel some sort of metal object move around in my body as I let go of it. I realized that every single one of the small white circles had a needle that was inside of me.

As that horrifying thought sunk in, my whole body suddenly became wracked with pain, and my muscles seized up and began to burn, similar to what I had experienced with the taser earlier. I cried out in pain, and collapsed to the ground, my knees and face hitting the cold, hard tile ground. 

The door to my cell opened, and two men in black armour, members of what I assumed was the group that had captured me in the first place, ran in and wrapped their arms underneath my armpits, lifting my now limp body up off the ground with ease, and lifted me into the hallway. Before I could see what was going on, the pain made me black out.

I drifted in and out of consciousness as I was being transported to wherever I was going, and during that time, I found myself moving from a sitting position. I barely managed to register that I was in a wheelchair, before I blacked out again. I caught glimpses of the place that they were wheeling me through, such as grey walls, numbers and strange words on the wall, and men and women walking past me in either lab coats, or in black armour wielding guns.

Soon, a different feeling began to surge through my body from the needles that were all over my body, one that must have been some sort of adrenaline, because my heart began racing, and I jolted upwards in my chair only to find that both my arms and legs were strapped in. I gripped the armrests tightly, and looked around to see I was in some sort of interrogation room, with a metal table and chair in front of me, with a large mirror behind it.

Then, the door to the side of the mirror opened, and a woman with blonde hair tied up into a tight bun, wearing glasses and a white lab coat that had strange red linings on it, which made me uneasy somehow. The woman was holding a clipboard with several pieces of paper on it, and twirling a pen in her hands. She didn't even look at me as she entered the room. It was only when the door closed behind her and she sat down, did she stare at me with her dark brown eyes.

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