Chapter 22: The Zoo

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My cell had now become like second home to me. The metal walls were as familiar as the walls of my own room that I used to have in my old house. It was right next to Ivy's, and I remember how she would always climb into bed with me whenever there was a thunderstorm, so she wouldn't have to be scared. Even when I didn't have powers, I was protecting her.

I had been thinking about the other metahumans I had seen when we had fought against the horde of creatures. They were both extraordinary, and more powerful than any other one I had encountered. Well, except for one...

I also thought about how Reservoir had somehow managed to gather specimens of the creatures and bring them here. Keeping them alive of all thing was the worst idea I'd had ever heard. If those things got out, I didn't want to be anywhere near here. And I didn't plan on being so very soon.

My so-called "escape plan" which didn't consist of very much at the moment, involved Sparrow. I had no idea if she was still interested in finding us, or trapped in here with us, but I knew that she was resourceful. If she was smart enough, she would have tried to follow us at some point, and if she was captured, she would put up an impressive fight.

I kept trying to think of something as best as I could without drawing attention to the thoughts in my mind. It then occurred to me that I still didn't know who or what was reading my mind. Another metahuman that Mossberg had captured? seemed bigger than that. A lot bigger...

Then, the guards opened the door again, then escorted me out. I wondered where we were going this time, but decided not to vocalize the question. We moved into an elevator, and I felt us going down, which raised the question how deep we were already. If this facility was really as large and advanced as Mossberg claimed it to be, could it be underground?

As the elevator opened, I did a double take, not quite believing what I was seeing. It looked to be the hallway of a hotel, with cream-coloured paint on the walls, carpeted floors, and doors with numbers on them on either side of the walls. 

The guards escorted me down the hallway, and walked me to a room that was labeled 3113, and opened it up with a keycard. Inside was a small sitting room with chairs and a table, along with a dining room, and a bedroom with a bathroom. Sitting on one of the dining room chairs was Mossberg.

She looked at me and smiled. "Ah, hello Wren. Come on in. Make yourself comfortable." I warily stepped into the room, looking around for any sort of tricks. Afterwards, I sat at the other end of the table, facing Mossberg. We always seemed to have conversations this way. It was as if she was deliberately distancing herself from me.

I tried to make myself look casual and relaxed, and leaned back in my chair, looking around the room and pretending I was unimpressed. "So, what's up for today? Gonna release one of your little critters in here, make me burn the whole thing down?" 

Mossberg didn't seem to appreciate my humour, but still gave a deprecating smile. "Quite the opposite, actually. This, for now, will be your new living quarters." I couldn't hold back the surprised look on my face, and Mossberg smiled while motioning to the suite-like room.

"We've been monitoring your activities for quite some time now, and you've also managed to follow along with our tests and instructions quite well, so we figured we would upgrade your current space as a token of our appreciation." She took a sip from the small teacup in front of her.

I now saw what exactly her agenda was. She was enticing me to do more work for her by offering me rewards and treats. I felt like some sort of trained dog. But, it would be a nice change from the cold steel I was sleeping on each night. 

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