Chapter 31: Calm Before the Storm

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Mossberg paced back and forth behind her desk. Her hand was cupping her chin in a pensive way as she processed the debrief I had just given her. I was sitting in the chair, my shoulder still aching from the recoil of my rifle. It had been a few hours since the ambush, and we had barely managed to make it back to the base alive. But when I found out I had to report to Mossberg personally, I almost wished I hadn't.

After a few minutes of silence, Mossberg finally stopped moving, and sat down in her chair. I saw a look on her face that I rarely ever saw. One of nervousness and hesitation. Then, she finally spoke up. "Well. That certainly is a very interesting report, Wren. If Gerrard truly is planning an attack as you say, then we will keep our guard up."

I waited for her to suggest some kind of attack or response, but she didn't say anything. I was confused, and I leaned forwards to look at her. "'am, may I suggest some kind of attack? If Gerrard really is coming for us, we need to strike first. At least buff our defences a bit."

Mossberg looked at me like I was some sort of child who was trying to tell his parents how to do their taxes. She gave me a smug smile, then leaned back in her chair. "Why would we need to do that? You said yourself he can control almost all of these things. So why can't he control the ones we have? It's because we're protected. Our base is the most secure spot on the planet right now. Upping our defence would almost be a waste of resources. So, we will simply wait."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Mossberg simply was just going to wait for Gerrard's attack without doing anything. That was like going into a hurricane with only an umbrella. She was insane if she thought they would come out of this alive. "Ma'am, listen to me. Gerrard is not only just powerful, but smart. Whatever defences you have, he's already found a way around them. The only thing we can do is strengthen them and hope that we can withstand whatever he has."

Mossberg simply shook her head, then held her temple a bit tightly, like she was withstanding some sort of brain freeze, or preparing for an oncoming migraine. "No...we'll be fine. Trust me. And frankly, Mr. Sawyer, I don't think you have adequate clearance to be telling me how to proceed with a battle strategy."

I looked at her confused, but nonetheless plowed ahead with my argument, not wanting to let everyone on this base, including Ivy and Sparrow, die. "Mossberg. You haven't been out there. You don't know him like I do. I've been inside his head. So just work with me here and we can-"

She suddenly slammed her hands down on the table and closed her eyes tightly, as if she was in extreme pain, and clenched her hands into fists, raising her voice to a level that could almost certainly be heard outside. "NO! For the final time, we will wait! And that is most certainly an order!"

As I sat there, staring at this uncharacteristic outburst, the two guards who were standing outside of the room rushed in, holding their guns and staring at the both of us. One of the soldiers looked at me suspiciously, then at Mossberg. "Is everything alright, ma'am?"

Mossberg saw everyone looking at her, and appeared to regain her composure, smoothing out her suit, and putting her now slightly frizzled hair back down, then breathing slowly out through her nose. Before she spoke again, I noticed her nose beginning to bleed like before. She pulled out a small white handkerchief and wiped it off. "Yes. It's fine. We were just finishing up. Escort Mr. Sawye-Wren, back to his room, please."

The guards looked at each other a bit warily, then nodded at her, and motioned for me to get up. Not wanting to start anything else, I complied, and walked out of Mossberg's office. I looked back at her once last time, and I saw her looking like she was trying to control herself as we left. I noticed the blood-stained handkerchief that she had now placed in the trash can.

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