Chapter 34: Battle Royale

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It was the screams that woke me up. They weren't close, and they weren't the screams that I had heard before in my nightmares, but I could hear them faintly, like echoes in the distance. It was as if I could sense something wrong from far away, like seeing thunderclouds off in the distance.

I sat up in my bed, and then noticed that the lights that lit up my room were flickering on and off. It was like everything was running on low power. Then, I heard a voice in my head, which I knew could only be Tobias, and I immediately focused on it. Wren, the time is now. Gerrard's attack has begun. You must find my vessel and leave this place. Sparrow will join you shortly, but you must leave now.

I sensed that whatever was coming what already here, and I didn't need any encouragement from Tobias to get myself moving if that was the case. I rushed and put on my jacket when I heard my doorknob rattling, along with someone pounding on my door. I heard the shouts of what I thought was a guard. "Oh god they're everywhere! Please, let me in! They're coming-"

I heard a large roar that was muffled by the walls, then a loud splintering noise. I looked out into the main room, and saw another one of the bone spears sticking out through the door, slightly coated in blood. Before I could act, the door busted open, and the corpse of the soldier who had been stabbed flew across the room and landed on the couch, staining it with gore. 

I turned back to look at the door entrance, and I saw two hypermorphs staring at me, each of them with bones sticking out of their backs. They each roared, and I automatically felt my stomach clench, and I shot two flashes of plasma to keep them back, and I conjured a small shield on my right arm. 

The hypermorph recovered and swiped at me with it's claw, and I blocked it with my shield, catching its hand in the burning plasma, then firing over and over into it's solar plexus until it stopped moving. Then, I charged up and blasted it backwards so it knocked into the other morph that had accompanied it.

Before the second hypermorph could get the corpse of it's companion off of itself, I managed to generate two rings of plasma in my hands, and flicked my wrists like I was throwing two frisbees. They flew through the air and cut through the chest and head of the creature, neatly dividing it's now dead body into 3 pieces.

Now that I had that dealt with, I needed to find Sparrow, then whoever this vessel was. And hopefully Ivy as well. I prayed that whatever happened hadn't affected her yet. I got dressed in my full combat gear, and walked out into the hallway.

When I got out of my room, I saw that several of the doors to the rooms were either open or broken down, while some others remained shut. I hoped the rest of the metahumans got out alright. Their powers could most likely hold off the hypermorphs. My mind flashed back to Taylor in the forest, and I reconsidered that.

As I walked down the hall, I passed by several dead hypermorphs, as well as some soldiers. I picked up an M4 that was similar to the one that I had, along with some grenades and magazines, and a pistol for a last resort. Once I got to the elevator however, I saw that getting to Sparrow would be tougher than I thought.

The doors were opened, and the glossy silver chrome was stained with blood, with the lights inside flickering on and off randomly. I could see several of the morphs crawling up and down the walls, and a few of them managed to spot me. They roared, and I blasted them back, trying to keep them contained in the shaft. Then, I had an idea. I grabbed one of the grenades, counted to three, and threw it into the doors. It exploded perfectly, and even though it didn't kill all of them, it would at least thin them out.

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