Chapter 15: Training Day

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They came for me the morning after Gerrard appeared in my dream. Or maybe it was evening. Time had lost all meaning to me, so it didn't matter. All I knew was, the door opened, and the same tense feeling rushed through my body from the needles, and the same men in black armour picked me up and placed me in to the wheelchair.

When I woke up, I was back in the same interrogation room from the last time, but this time, Mossberg was there already, and staring at me, like she had been waiting for me to awaken. I wondered how long she had been sitting there and staring at my unconscious body. It unnerved me even more than she already did. 

She smiled when I opened my eyes, and began to write down on her notes again. After clicking her recorder on, she finally began to talk to me. "Good morning Wren. I would ask if you had a good sleep, but I already know the answer to that. By now you've figured out our little trick, so there's no more point in keeping secrets. Yes, we are able to read your mind, and we've been doing it for quite some time."

My eyes narrowed at her, and I tried to appear as passive as I could in my half-drugged state. I focused only on her, so I wouldn't give away anything else in my head. Mossberg didn't seem to care, and went back to her clipboard. "But, that's not what we're here to talk about. Last time we met, I mentioned you becoming a test subject. Today, that's where we'll start."

I looked at her, and then spoke up, interrupting her before she could say anything else. "No. Not until I see my sister. I want to know where she is. You can torture me all you want, but I won't do anything until I know that she's ok."

Mossberg looked at me with slight surprise, and wrote a quick message down in her notes. One day, I was going to burn that clipboard right out of her hands. I thought it as loud as I could, to make sure whoever was listening could hear. As I thought, Mossberg faltered with her writing for a bit, showing that she had heard me.

She put her pen away, then looked at me, sighing a bit as she spoke. "Wren, I appreciate your nobility towards your sister, really I do, but I'm afraid you're in no position to make demands. We just want to help you gain control over your abilities. We only are forced to apply force if you resist us."

I gripped the chair, hoping to contain my anger and place it somewhere else so Mossberg couldn't see. I stared back at her with all of the sincerity I could muster. "All I want is to see her. To know if she's ok. If you can do that...I'll go along with you."

Mossberg seemed to consider this for a moment, then began to talk to herself, like she did last time. "Well, he could be telling the truth. Are you reading anything? No of course not, I'll keep him under surveillance. You're really suggesting-alright then, fine." In between her sentences, she would pause, like she was saying one half of a conversation.

Afterwards, she finally turned to me, then smiled slightly. "Alright. Just wait one moment." She walked out of the room, and a few minutes later came back with a small monitor. She placed it on the table in front of me, then switched it on.

My eyes widened when the image appeared. Ivy was there, sitting on a hospital bed, in a small gown that was like mine. The room had been made up to look like an actual room in a hospital, complete with windows, paintings, and flowers. She was currently talking to a doctor. "Please, where's my brother? His name is Wren, he's 19, he's tall, has black hair-"

The doctor was wearing a lab coat and glasses, and looked at my sister with a fake smile that I could see even through the monitor. "I'm sorry sweetie, but you can't see your brother just yet. He's very sick, and he needs to be taken care of. He'll come see you as soon as he gets better, ok?"

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