Editor's Note

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So, there it is! My first solo book! (Yes, there will be no sequel to this. At least I don't think so. Keeping you in suspense.) The whole time I was writing this, I was thinking to myself, I don't wanna become that guy who becomes known for just one thing, one trilogy of stuff, when I could make so many other cool things too! And thankfully, that didn't happen with this. I mean, 14?! 14!!!!! It's even higher than the Slingers books. I'm really glad you guys liked this as much as you did! Like I always say, I love writing these books, but I love it even more that you guys like reading them! But the thing is, I never know if I deserve all of this praise or not. I sometimes go to the top 1000 and see my book among books with over a million reads or 10 thousands votes, and I'm like "Wtf, why am I here?". Then I realize, it doesn't really matter how much it gets voted, or how many people read it. It's about whether or not you guys like it or not. You guys are what keeps me going, and what keeps me writing. The support you guys have given me is amazing, and the fact that you guys go so far as to ship my characters is really weird, but in a good way! Like, I didn't know how many of you cared about this couple so much. (Sorry again by the way.) But like I said, I'm just a nerd sitting at his computer typing this out, and the fact you guys like it and vote and comment gives me the best feeling in the world. So thank you all so much for your continued support. Alright, enough with the sappy stuff, I'll let you go for now. The next story is coming down the pipeline, I promise! What will it be? You'll have to find out. (Again, suspense is key.) Anyways, thanks once again for reading, as always. Until we meet again, peace out!


Edit: September 18th, 2019

Well, guess what? I did make a sequel after all! It's called Flashf0rward, and it's up right now if you want to go check it out! Hope you like it!


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