Chapter 18: Hope

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"Elinn I know that you're probably tired and just want to rest, but I need to do a medical assessment. It might be little awkward for you just remember I won't hurt you." I shifted so that I was sitting back on the couch. Luke got up and walked over so he was standing beside me.

Carter ran off into the shadows and I wondered where he was going. Also, how could he turn himself into a dog? I was pretty sure that wasn't something you were supposed to be able to just do.

"Carter will be right back Elinn. He figured it would be a good idea to shift so that you and he could talk," Margene explained noticing where I was looking. I nodded my understanding and looked up at Luke.

"Okay first thing I'm gonna do is take your temperature. I do that by running this," He said holding up a machine with a rubber end, "over your forehead." As he finished explaining he placed the thing against my head. It felt weird and I wasn't sure I liked it, even though it was gone after a few seconds.

"Margene help me move this couch closer to the fire place. Her body temp is about 93 degrees Fahrenheit and if we don't want her to get seriously ill we need to warm her up." It was only then that I realized I was shaking from the cold. Apparently, the rain made people get colder.

As Margene helped Luke lift up the couch I was sitting on Carter walked back into the room. He was wearing a black shirt and some athletic shorts, his hair was sticking up in different directions. Carter smiled at me as he walked over and sat next to me on the couch.

"Elinn, would you mind if Carter holds you? His body runs pretty hot and he will help you warm up faster. Then he can also answer your questions while I do my work. Does that sound alright?" I wasn't sure what to do. On the one hand I was freezing cold and getting warm sounded great, but on the other hand I wasn't sure I was comfortable letting Carter touch me for so long.

Carter must have seen my struggle because he jumped in with, "If at anytime you feel too uncomfortable you let me know and I'll get up. I won't make you do anything you don't want to do. I want you to feel safe here no matter what."

I thought about it for a minute trying to decide. Carter had been so nice to me since I had been here. He hadn't once lied to me about anything or tricked me into something. I scooted closer to the edge of the couch allowing Carter to crawl over me and lie next to me.

"Elinn I heard you were running around on your injured leg is that correct?" Luke asked pulling up the blanket to reveal my leg. It wasn't a pretty sight and I knew that this wasn't going to end well for me.

My leg was swollen and had several different colored bruises on it. Carter looked at me worry in his eyes, but for what reason? I looked back down at my leg then I realized what was so wrong. My leg was bent at an odd angle that I hadn't noticed before.

"Elinn, how were you able to run with your leg injured? It would have caused some very intense pain and it couldn't have been easy. Why exactly were you running away too, I've been wondering," Carter questioned from behind me. I took a minute to gather my thoughts before answering.

"I have to get back to Master. He is going to be very mad that I was gone and I don't want to make him more upset than he'll already be. Master will be looking for me and if I return on my own he will be a lot more lenient with my punishment then if he has to track me down." I hoped the explanation would suffice. Carter pulled me tightly against him as if he didn't want me to forget he was there.

"Elinn, what did to you was wrong. You are not going to go back to him. He kept you locked up for twelve years and he hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore. Do you understand." Carter's words were harsher and more commanding than they normally were. I did understand what he was saying, but that didn't mean he was right.

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