Chapter 1. Normal and Evil

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"You did this!" Hank screamed. "You burned my gym clothes!" He holds it up in his left hand. I stifled a laugh when I saw the shirt burned to a crop top. He grabbed Flames by the collar of his shirt with the other hand.

"You should be thanking me." Flames said with a smug smile. "I think you'll look sexy in it." He winked. Which made the huge boy more furious. He pinned him against the lockers forcefully, causing the floor to vibrate.

"You trying to get into a fight?" Hanks screamed, his hand still gripping Flames's shirt.

"You may be super strong." Flames said through gritted teeth. "But you can't beat my fire."

"PROVE IT!" Hank screamed. He shoved him with his supernatural strength. Causing him to fly down the halls.

I flinched, but a faint smile touched my lips.

Yikes, that's gonna leave a mark.

Hank laughed but it was quickly cut off by the ball of fire thrown his way. He dodged it with a scream of surprise, almost girl-like. But he hides it well after, straightening up and glared at Flames, who stood about ten feet away from him, arms crossed, with a prideful look. Hank screamed and stomped on the floor. Causing a massive earthquake that probably startled every student at Venom High.

I grabbed onto the nearby locker, continuing to watch their fight, pretending to be minding my own business, when I was actually enjoying the show. It's always a pleasure watching students use their gifts against each other. It's sorta like a casino game, you get to bet on them, guessing which one will win.

And I bet...

Just when Flames was about to attack him again, a high pitched voice shrieked. "What in the name of evil is going on!"

Neither of them will.

The two boys froze immediately. They turned and stared at a very angry Mrs. Gilda, our spells teacher. Her white hair flowing ghostly around her sullen face, I could almost see the steam pouring out her ears.

"That's the third time this week!" She screamed, the wrinkles on her forehead seems to increase. "Detention! And no lunch for you guys today!"

Both of the boys groaned, but walked off without another word. I giggled as Mrs. Gilda muttered something about hating her job, and returned to her classroom.

You might be thinking, "Wow, these kids sure are villains alright! They sound like a lot of trouble!"

But let me get something straight here.


At least not before the Normals threw us into Venom High, and gave us the label "Villains". At first, we tried to tell them we were just like them. We knew how to handle our powers and not cause trouble.

But that's not how the Mayor views it. Mayor Rosanna, blond, petite, sickeningly sweet smile. Gag.

She thinks because some of us are monsters, and we have our powers means we will cause harm to them normals. So she puts all Villains in one part of town. Builds a fence around it. And called it The evil territory.

They made their decision about us, so we played the part.

We wore different clothes, and kids dyed their hair. We started to talk like a villain, act like a villain. Basically started causing trouble.

We weren't allowed to step foot outside our part of town. We live in dorms. And we're not allowed to sleep at our house. My dorm is pretty nice. Spacious with rooms for all each of my roommates. We can visit home on the weekends, but we still have to come back to the dorms at night.

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