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Weeks later...

"Just get on there you chicken!"

"Prove that us girls can fight better!"

"Freeze him to death!"

I watched as Crystal gets pushed onto the platform by a group of girls. "Guys!" She smiled nervously as she steadied herself once she got on.

School has started a few weeks ago, and we couldn't have asked for a better place. Delicious lunch, large classrooms, and large amounts of spaces for all the students.

Of course, our teachers were the same. Still mean, nasty, and I hate them.

But I guess, they are still part of what makes this place perfect...

Pssssssh! Who am I kidding?

They suck!

"Show me what you got snow bunny!" Flames shouted from the platform across from Crystals. He flicks his hands and they catch on fire instantly. The girls swooned and yelled his name.

A flash of annoyance and anger appeared in Crystal's eyes. "Don't call me snow bunny!" She yelled and held out her fisted hands in front of her.

Oh right, forgot to mention. They also build these platforms in the gym. Basically, there are two of them and they're about five feet off the ground. Two students that get picked by the teacher will go up there and show off their powers, and the teacher will give pointers on how they should improve it.

But, it seems like we've all be misusing it during break time...

"Power showdown! Power showdown!" A wave of chanting started followed by rhythmic stomping.

Crystal's eyes widen in fear as she sees her opponent holding her most feared element. But she looked around at the cheering crowd and took a deep breath.

"Yo, are they doing this crap again?" Sasha said as she appeared beside me.

"WHAT?" I yelled. Even though she was right beside me, I could barely make out what she was saying due to the students cheering and screaming.

"I SAID! ARE-THEY-DOING-THIS-CRAP-AGAIN?" She cups the side of her mouth and screamed into my ears.


This was a very dangerous event created by a few stupid boys. Somehow everyone got interested in it, and soon it became a common game to play during break time, despite how many students got injured from it. Last week, a girl got sent to the hospital because she got a shark bite.

Yes, a shark bite.

Don't ask.

And guess where she was sent to. Yep, the normals' hospital. I don't know whether the teachers are just stupid, not knowing that normals' aren't capable of solving problems as bizarre as that, or they just don't care.

I wish I could have seen the look on the doctors' faces.

I smiled at the hilarious event and turned to look at my best friends. Sasha looked down at the pale blue phone she was holding. The screen vibrates and lights up.

I looked over. "Is that Crystal's phone?" I said loudly into her ears.

Sick of shouting over the noises, Sasha just nodded. "Lover-boy just texted her." I leaned in closer to get a better look.

Matt's name appeared on the screen, followed by a text message.

What are you doing right now?

Villainousحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن