Chapter 21. Hospital (Part 2)

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"Stop! Stop! Get that away from me!" Storm was on the bed, at least five doctors surrounded her. One of them held a syringe and attempted to give her a shot. But she screamed and kicked around, creating another strong wind that knocked all doctors down.

I watched from a good distance away, where it was safe.

The floor was wet from the rain. She kept screaming and flailing around. She tried to get off the bed but she couldn't move. That's when I realized, she was tied down on the bed with ropes.  

"Let me go!" She screeched, knocking almost everything onto the wet floor. 

"Excuse me!" 

Someone shoves past me and ran into the room. It was the elderly doctor that helped me the last time I was here. I ran over to the side of the door and watched. He holds up another syringe. Storm's eyes widen. 

"No!" She tried to knock it out of his hands, but he already jammed it into her arms. She closed her eyes and fell back on the bed. Everything around her calmed, the rain and wind stopped. The doctors got up gradually and stomped out the room with sour faces, probably pissed that they're all wet and hurt. 

The cat-eyed doctor double checked that Storm was asleep, and walked over to me. "What are you doing here? You should stay in bed." He said sternly.

"It's kinda hard to stay in bed when all THIS," I pointed toward Storm's room, "is happening." The doctor sighed like I'm annoying him, which I probably am. But I didn't care. "Why is she here?" I demanded.

"She's your classmate right?" He asks. I nodded. "Well, from what I heard, she went crazy." He lowered his voice and checked the hall as if scared someone's gonna hear our conversation. 

"How?" I rushed to ask.

"She went to the bathroom during class, apparently something happened in there and caused her to become like this. She ran around school causing a...well...a storm." He looked across at me to check our surroundings, then continues. "All the students have to barricade themselves in classrooms to avoid being shocked and rained on. The police were called and they had to shoot her with a tranquilizer." His eyes widen in disbelief. "She was fine on the way here, but she woke up again and we had to tie her down." He looks over at Storm, now sleeping so peacefully, you wouldn't believe she was the girl who caused all the chaos.

I glanced over his shoulder to get a better look at her. She was sleeping on one of the beds in the room, the other one was empty.


"Is there any chance I can move into this room?" I pointed at it. 

His eyes followed my finger and into Storm's room. Then he looks back with an odd expression. "You...want to move in...with her?" He shakes his head slightly, doesn't seems convinced.

"Yes, please!" I blurt out. The doctor pulls back at how desperate I sound.

"Why would you wanna move from a room that's perfectly fine, to one that'll probably cause you to go to sleep in the rain?" He questions.

"Why would I want to stay in a room with my crazy nemesis, when I can move in with a friend?" I tilted my head in the direction of the crazy witch's yelling. Geez, shouldn't she have stopped by now?

A look of understanding came over his face. "Okay, I see your point."

Yes! I whooped and jumped into the air. Which I immediately regret when my stomach started aching again. "Ow..." I bent down and held it in pain.

The doctor holds out his hands in defense. "Whoa there, don't get too physical."

I kept my arms around my stomach until it recovered. I stood up straight and asked. "Can I switch rooms now?"

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