Chapter 2. Chaos in the Cafeteria

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Crystal didn't come back the next day.

Sasha and I woke up extra early to see Mrs. Scarlet, hoping to get some news about Crystal.

"Unfortunately, Crystal is in no condition to come back to school." Mrs. Scarlet said, avoiding eye contact with us.

"Is she at least getting better?" I asked hopefully.

"I called this morning," Mrs. Scarlet stands up from her desk. "She's still very sick, but they've gotten her power under control."

"Please let us go visit her this weekend." Sasha pleaded.

Mrs. Scarlet studied her face for a while. "Normally I would have said no, but I know she means a lot to both of you, so I'll arrange it."

I put my arms around Sasha and gave her shoulders a squeeze. "Thank you so much." I gave Mrs.Scarlet a weak smile.

"Now get ready for class." Mrs. Scarlet sat back down.

I gave her a nod before walking out of the room with Sasha.

We sat down by my locker, just sitting in silence. We both have dark circles under our eyes. We barely got any sleep when icicles were constantly falling on us. I closed my eyes and took a quick nap, ignoring the fact that people were staring. After a while the bell rang, and it's time to go to class.

I stood up and grabbed my backpack. "I'll see you at lunch." I said to Sasha. She was still sitting on the floor.

"Yeah," She cups her face with her hands and stare straight ahead.

I wanted to say something else, but I decide to leave her alone.

I trudge to Chemistry class. I sat down in my seat and put my head down on the table.

"Luna?" a voice whispered in my ear

I sat up with a gasp.

Will was sitting right next to me.

I stared at him wide eyed. "You're... on time?"

"Sasha told me," He puts his hand on the back of his neck. "That you said you're going to ask Mr. Miserable for a new partner."


"Um..." I wasn't sure what to say.

"I'll be on time from now on. Just please don't replace me." His eyes staring straight into mine.

I was surprised. Why would he do this? He's been late everyday since 9th grade. Why change now? I decide to tease him a little. "And why would I do that?"

"'re the best partner I had." He said shyly.


I felt my cheeks getting warm. Then I punched his arm.


"You're such an idiot." I laughed.

He looks at me in confusion.

"I won't replace you, if you come to class on time from now on."

"I will, I promise." He rubs the spot I punched. "Man, you're strong."

We both burst out laughing. Not noticing that Mr. Miserable and the entire class is staring at us.


We both turned to the front simultaneously.

Mr. Miserable narrowed his eyes at us. "Miss Moonshine and Mr. Fang, I would much appreciate it if you save your flirting for after class."

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