Allison's Pov

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The following is a scene from Allison's point of view when Luna was trying to cast the truth spell.


She was trying really hard, I can tell.

She shut her eyes tightly and clenched her fists until they were white. I pretended to be reading my book. But I also tensed up my body, fighting back. She opened her eyes and I turned towards her.

She looks devastated when she saw my eyes. When she saw I wasn't affected. I leaned over and examined her face. "Are you okay?" I asked. "You were mumbling something while looking tensed." Then I placed my palm against her forehead to look as if I was checking her temperature. "Are you sick?"

"No!" She fakes a laugh. "Nothing is wrong." 

I stared straight into her green eyes, covered with those horrible blue contact lenses. "If you say so." I nodded. Then I turned back to my book. 

I kept stealing glances at her out of the corner of my eyes. She was now facing the other way. I can tell she was crying, because I hear the sniffing.  And the side of her face was red.

I sighed and listened to the calming sound of the waves. Looking down at the boring book. Then I see her wiping her face.

I hated seeing her like this, but I have no choice. She can't know who-- what I am. At least, not now. 

Perhaps one day I'll tell you...

Because we're more alike then you think... 


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