Chapter 18. Poisons

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"Yo Arthur!" I strode into the lab over to where he was mixing a few chemicals. 

The tall boy looks down with an awkward smile, "Hey Luna."

Arthur was an okay friend of mine. We have lots of classes together and he always helps me gain A's. He has supernatural intelligence, which makes him capable of accomplishing anything scientific. Also the first person you should ask when you don't know how to do your homework.

 I told him to help me extract the poison from the water Zara and Zach drank, and the lunch I brought back a few days ago. He told me it would be done by morning, which is now. 

"So, did you get it?" I peeked over at the table full of different vials of colored liquids. 

He snaps his fingers. "Yes!" He scans over the table until his eyes landed on two particular vials, sealed tightly with a white plastic cap. "Here they are! I didn't have the equipment to identify it though." He hands them to me. 

"That's alright. I"ll get them identified somehow." I studied and rotated them around in my hands. One was a light green, while the other was clear as water. "Wow! How did you manage to get this much out of the sandwich and water?" I laughed.

"Easy!" His eyes lit up when he spots an opportunity to show off. "First, you carefully boil the--" 

I held my hand up to stop him. "Woah...okay, no need to go into all the complicated smarty stuff." 

"Gotcha," He takes a step back and laughed. "Be careful with those. You don't know the damage it might cause if you spill it." He warns.

Yikes! I made a face down at the deadly liquids I'm holding against my skin. "Okay, now I'm REALLY scared." 

"Ha! I'm just teasing, you'll be fine." Arthur chuckles and turns back to his work. "You better get to Starbite." He says while mixing a jar of foamy substance. 

I made a choking sound and turn back "It's Starlight!" But he was too engrossed in the chemicals to hear me. Deciding to leave him alone, I walked out with the vails of poison guarded safely in my hands.

 Little did he know, I wasn't going there today...


I snuck out the gates of Venom High and ran off in the opposite direction. Ducking behind benches and signs occasionally to avoid being seen. I ran for almost a mile until the school was completely out of sight. I came to a stop at a lonely bus stop, about five minutes away from school. And I stood and waited...

A green cab pulls up. I smiled and opened the backseat door. 

"How you doing!" Said the familiar chirpy voice. The rainbow curls bounced as she talked.

"Hey Lou!" I greeted brightly. 

"How's my fav girl?" She said in a girly tone and begins to drive.

"Could be better, but fine." I shrugged and looked at her face in the reviewing mirror. Still round and adorable as always. I imitated her voice."How's my fav cab driver?" 

She laughs. "Sunshine and rainbows." She flips her colorful hair. We giggled and as we came to a stop at a red light. "So why are you going to the hospital again?" She asks.

I sighed as my good mood melted away. "Two more of my classmates were sent there." 

Lou sucks in a huge breath. "Really!" She bursts out.

"Yeah." I watched as the lights turned green. The cars beside us start to move.

Lou continues down the road. "So you're going to visit them?" 

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