Chapter 1

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The point of life when you think nothing could go wrong...all stops when it does. You think it's the most tragic thing ever. Parents getting a divorce, teenagers getting rape at parties, people dying from accidents. For everyone it's always something different. For me... it's the ability to never be able to walk again.

At age 7, my family and I were driving to my grandma's for the year; like we did ever Christmas. Going to Mamaw's was always my favorite part of Christmas. Running to the room she made just for me like she did the rest of my siblings. Seeing the glowing lights on the ceiling changing colors every 15 seconds. Drinking Mamaw's homemade hot chocolate she left on the nightstand... it would always warm my taste buds. The best part would be waking up to Christmas morning running down the hall to the Christmas tree looking at all the presents. All my presents changed as I changed; one year a dope ass bike, then the next year a novel. Always what I wanted to have each year. I was so happy, I gave my grandma a kiss on the cheek and sat on her lap until everyone was done opening their presents.

A couple more Christmas away everything changed for me, like I said at age 7, my family and I were driving to Mamaw's that one year. Until we were going up a hill at 75 mph; it change the years to come, forever. My mom was talking to my sister, well, I wouldn't say talking. I would say more like yelling, about something stupid. When the car hit some slippery black ice on the road that made the car's tires come to a slidding halt. With my mom's late reaction to the appropriate action to take sends us flying through the air down a steep hill. The car was rotating itseft around and around until we hit something hard and fast. I was knocked out by this time, but by the time I wake up I couldn't feel my feet. I couldn't wiggle my toes like the doctor ask. Or even move my legs! Everything I was ever taught or most of my memories were gone. Thank God I remember all the important things. That was it though, not the special memories like how I learn how to ride a bike or my first baby tooth coming out. Nothing. Most of my good memories vanished. It took months to finally forget what happened to me and my family and move on. Like my sister, Martha, has a huge scar on her side and a battle(car crash) scar on her face, but me, my whole two legs lie like vegetables. We are survivors who continue to be strong in our lives. We never gave up trying to not take everything negative... because of the crash.

As, I went back to school everyone treated me kindly. Helping me get my things out of my locker or carrying my book bag for me. I even got a lot of girls numbers, which my brother, James, was jealous about. James never was mean to me either, since I got a lot of attention. He always made sure people knew we were brothers.

"Oh yea, Conner, that's my brother, you know?" he would say.

Sometimes when I was in middle school I would be so glad I was handicapped, because I get so many cool gadgets that helped me throughout my day. Like my wheelchair for instance, Tom. My wheelchair has always been my best friend. Well since I had to with it for several years of my life. He helps me get around and never leaves me. Tom even supports me when I try to get into bed or take a bath. My family never calls me 'weird', because I name my wheelchair. Even Martha named her scars, 'Bonnie and Clyde' , so she would always laugh or smile instead of cry about how she got those scars in the first place.

The crash did change my family and now 9 years later we are better together than apart. Being seventeen for me now, it's pretty easy. I wake up, hop in my chair, wheel myself to the bathroom, do a wipe down( when I don't have time for baths)and then change. Wheel myself to the kitchen, wait for my mom, she helps wheel me into the car, helps me get in, drives me to school, and then helps me get out. Pretty simple, huh? My mornings... well, I think so...

# Sometime he takes shower, but with a chair or stool attach to his tub, so he won't fall. I think y'all know what I mean.

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