Chapter 5

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Photo of Martha Derick

"Conner" a finger pocks me in the back. "Conner, wake up"

I groan not knowing who is touching me, because the voice sounds muffle.

"Conner, come on".

"Why?" I turn to see a dark figure hovering over me. "What time is it?"

"2:30 in the morning".

My night lamp comes to life right next to me, which blinds my eyes. I groan again.

"Get up Conner, I got a surprise for you" Martha says as my eyes adjusts to the light.

"Martha, what time is it?" I asks

"You already said that, it's 2:30"


"Yea" Martha pulls on my blanket that is wrap around my body. "Here put this on."

She throws some objects at my face. "And hurry up we don't have that much time".

Martha leaves my room after that. I sit up on my bed rubbing my eyes. Martha is crazy, but not this crazy. After the crash Martha told me she would sleep with me in my hospital bed and paint my nails. That's probably why and how I started to paint my nails. Anyways she would always be the one who helps me take a bath or reach for things I couldn't get, because mom didn't make the house wheelchair proof yet.

As, I change into the clothes Martha gave me(thrown at me); I couldn't help but think about 'why she woke me up?' or 'why she's acting crazy'. Question after question race in my head. Putting on my shoes Martha walks back into my room with a book bag hanging from her shoulder. Something bad is about to happen. Martha knew that I knew this too, because her cheekiest grin hasn't left her face as we got ourselves into her car(which is way more easier for me, since I'm in a wheelchair). No one was out, it is so quiet outside at 2:45 in the morning and dark. Martha drives all the way to our school's empty parking lot.

"First mission" she says, "Time to make art".

Outside her car she hands me a flashlight and black spray paint. "We're going to jail" I say out loud.

"Maybe" Martha giggles as she pushes me in Tom to the high school building sidewalk. We came to a stop a few feet away from the school main entrance. On the sidewalk Martha begins to spray paint something big, it's pretty dark so I don't know what she's spraying.

"What are you doing?" I ask for the third time with Martha not paying attention to me. She finally looks at me.

"Shut up, just spray an outline of what I'm spraying" she slides backwards on the sidewalk.


It felt like hours when we finish, but it was worth it, because I figure out what we were spraying: a broken heart. Martha has red all over her, but she gave me black spray paint so it wouldn't show on my clothes.

"Alright, let's get out of here" I am starting to feel worried.

"Okay, let's go!" she smiles again. That's when I realized we weren't done yet.

A few moments later we sit in front of Chloe's Howard house.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

"Do you see that red jeep in her driveway?"

"Yea. So?" I'm confused.

"That's Brad Copper car" sigh.

"Who?" blank.

"The guy I was talking to" she finally looks at me with fierce eyes.


"Yes, 'oh', now it's time for pay back", she hops out the car to grab Tom from the back. When she finally helps me in Tom, I get handed eggs.

"So, we're going to do this old fashion?" I sigh.

"What, no, this is new fashion" Martha wheels me behind a tree to hide at.

"NO, this is definitely old fashion" I whisper.

"Okay, whatever, let's just begin" she grabs some eggs from the carton.

"Wait, wait?" I hold her hands back,"What's our escape plan? You have to remember I'm in a chair."

"I know that" she sass, "their to busy making love with Chris Brown on"

I knew that Martha must of made the assumption of that, because she begins to laugh, loudly, while throwing eggs at Brad's jeep. When she's done throwing eggs she's totally exhaust. She sits on the curb of the sidewalk. I wheel myself over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. If she feels me, she knows I'm here for her. I think she knows this to, because she rest her head on my hand. I made a mental note to tell James why Martha was wasted tonight. IT must be another hour that has past, cause now I can't keep my eyes open.

"Let's get out of here" I finally spoke up.

"Yes, I'm tired" Martha yawns.

We make it home surprisingly without waking anyone up. I'm just so relieved that we made it home. "Goodnight Martha"

"Hey" I stop in my tracks. "Thanks for coming with me."

"You know I was force out of bed at 2:30 in the morning"

Martha laughs softly. "Goodnight Conner"

"Night" I wait to hear Martha reach her room before I wheel myself to my room. After stripping, I lock Tom's wheels in place and pull myself onto my bed. Falling asleep seems really hard for me now that I was up, but here I am closing my eyes slowly.

Sleep tight.

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