By Steven Milby

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As Jenny Wallace ate her lunch, she observed her surroundings. The nerds were contemplating what to do for the upcoming Science Fest in a couple weeks, some of them slobbering over the mannequins sitting at the table in front of them. Although it is fun to watch nerds get food thrown at their big greasy foreheads, Jenny didn't get a kick out of that today. Over on the other side of the cafeteria, was the biker boys. Nobody really messed with those guys, unless they messed with you, and good luck if they did. They didn't play fair, and never fought alone, no matter who or how many challenged them.  Among this group, was young Cody Lee. Cody was a player, never really loved anyone the way he should have. He was one of those people you want to feel hurt, just so he understands how everyone else he meets feels. Jenny Wallace had loved this boy, they dated for almost all of highschool, being prom king and queen for two years straight. But Cody never loved Jenny the way she loved him. He knew he liked fucking her, but that was any woman to him. So when Jenny caught Cody balls deep in her mom, she shouldn't have been surprised. Angry, sure. Surprised? He said it was her own fault she didn't know. Jenny was still eating her lunch, well, not eating, but looking intensely at her food. She almost felt like the fries and the chicken were screaming at her, trying to tell her something important. Food doesn't have a conscience though, it was her inner self being held together by twine. Ready to snap. Without warning, Jenny got up, grabbed her bag, and started walking towards Cody. Trotting down the aisles of seats, everyone ignorant to the situation going on, Cody snickered a bit, knowing this girl was about to lose it on him. Jenny stepped into the seat beside him, then climbed right above Cody on top of the table. Cody didn't move a muscle. Jenny, with an expressionless glare, unzipped her bag. She rustled her hand in the bag for a microsecond, before she pulled out a .357 Magnum revolver. Nobody paid any attention to her though, after all, she was just mad at Cody, not them. Why should they care? Cody looked at Jenny, an ice cold stare straight into her soul. You see, what Cody didn't seem to realize was that he had broken her. He had promised her everything, accepted her, told her that he loved her. And then turned around, burned it all down, and spat in her face. She raised the gun to her temple, finger on the trigger. Everything flashed in front of Jenny's eyes, adrenaline now shooting through her veins. She unfastened the safety, pulled the hammer back with her thumb, and pulled the trigger. Nobody turned around, nobody moved, nobody heard. Nobody cared.

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Big Shotout to amazing Author: Steven Milby

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