Chapter 8

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"Text me" Martha calls after Alex as she leaves.

"I'll text you both" she smiles.

As we go into the house we hear many different voices in the living room. Aunt Laura and Mamaw are sitting on the couch while James has position himself on the floor with his phone in his hands, when me and Martha arrives in the room. As I wheel myself over to Mamaw, Laura get's up to hug me.

"Oh Conner, it's sooo good to see you" Aunt Laura made sure to make the o's stand out.

"You too" she hugs me tighter, "I can't breathe"

"Oh, I'm sorry" she lets go, "So, how's life treating you?".

"I'm actually great I have a couple of more therapies to go to before I'm done for awhile" I smile, "How about you?"

"Well, I move in with mom for extra help around the house" she sits slowly onto the couch. "And starting to get back to a stable job"

"That's cool" I force a smile, "And Mamaw what about you?".

"Wonderful honey" she reaches over and takes my hand, "Much better now that I get to see my grand babies"

"We miss you too" Martha comes over to sit next to Mamaw, taking her other hand.

"I heard you're moving out Martha?" Aunt Laura says putting down her phone.

"Yea, I don't know anymore" Martha grows silent. She was going to move in with Chole, but that happened.

I wheel myself over to James, who finally puts away his phone and started to listen into their conversation. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Oh nothing, I heard you guys went shopping?" he looks up at me.

"Yea, you and mom was out sooo we didn't ask"

"It's all good Conner" I laugh, "I wouldn't want to go shopping anyways"

"Okay James" I roll my eyes, he's always about his fashion and clothes. Also, his appearance and hygiene. This boy takes more showers than Mom and Martha put together(since I take mostly baths).

"Mom suppose to be taking you out tomorrow too after your therapy" he smiles.

"Did she tell you where?" I ask, "She know how much I hate surprises".

"Lips are seal bro" James zips his lips closes. I roll my eyes again. Mom walks into with one of her happiest smiles on her face and some freshly made cookies in her hand. This is going to be great....

"I have some news for everyone" my mom says as she places down the cookies and clap her hands together.

"Your pregnant?" Aunt Laura ask.

"Oh My God, mom, no" Martha grabs a cookie.

"I hope not!I got to many grand babies" Mamaw sighs.

"Will everyone calm down" Mom says, "I'm not pregnant"

"Thank God" James and I say at the same time.

"I'm getting married"


I didn't realize what my mom said until Martha was done choking on her cookie and Mamaw talks on and on about who the wedding planner would be and where it was going to be at. No one notices mom's big fat ring until Aunt Laura starts examining it.

"What do you boys think about this?" Mom's says smiling.

"Congrats mom" I say back and James shrugs.

"So, when did he ask you?" Mamaw sits up straighter.

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