Chapter 7

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Warning picture above may cause triggers. Picture of Phillip Staffing abused.

The mall is like the only place girls want to go. SO, we decided to go there instead of something normal like Khols or JcPenny.

"DO we want to eat first or shop?"Alex asks from the backseat when we park.

"Let's shop" Martha answers." It will take longer than eating".

"Okay let's do it".

Everyone get's out, but me. I do open my door so when Martha wheels my chair next to me I can hop in. I could feel eyes on me once I'm in my chair. When I turn around to follow the others Phillip is watching me with redness coming from his cheeks.

"Where to first" I ask.

"Pink", Alex calls.

"Rue 21"Martha calls at the same time.

"I don't really mind" Phillip mumbles.

I don't know what to say since everyone said something different.

"How about we split into groups, boys and girls" Alex stares at me as she says this. "So no one can complain about what store we are going to."

"Great idea" Martha claps."SO we meet around 2 for lunch?".

"Sure" I shrug.

"See ya" Alex waves at us as she pulls Martha along with her. Phillip and I wait for the girls to be invisible in the crowd before we stare at each other.

"SO where to, quiet boy" Phillip asks smiling.

"You lead the way " I blush. We end up going to Hot Topic, then Footlocker , also Claire's( for his little sister), and then Macy's. In Macy's Phillip tries on clothes as I wait for him to get out. Wheeling myself around the clothes racks and around the dressing room was getting tiring, really fast. Girls underwear are cool, but some are just ugly. I mean like don't thongs hurt their ass or their front way. I wouldn't wear something like this even if I was dared a 100 buck, I mean maybe 200.

"Hey Conner?" Phillips calls from inside one of the dressing room's. "You still there?".

"I'm here" got nothing else to do.

"Can you tell me if this looks OK?"


A second later his dressing room door swings open reliving his abs. 'Yup that's all I saw...his abs'. I couldn't help but stare.

"These pants to swagger? or nah?" he rotates. His spine pocks out of his neck when he looks at his pants; I didn't realize how skinny he is. His back is perfect in every way, but there is a nasty bruise on his shoulder. Where did he get that? Does it hurt? Maybe if I touch it...

"Conner?" I forgot he was talking to me. "Any ideas?"

"Oh-h u-mm" I studder. "Y-yea, their great"

"OK good" he chuckles. I couldn't stop thinking about that bruise as we went through the check out, and then to meet up with the girls. When we finally meet up with the girls, I see a load of bags surround them, like always.

"Wow" Phillip says surprise, "Shop freaks?"

"Maybe just a little bit" Martha smiles. The girls already have their food when we meet with them. So Phillip is nice enough to get our food.

"How'd it go Conner.."Alex raise an eyebrow.

"OK" I sigh.

"IS everything OK?" Martha has her worry face on.

"I'm fine" I lie.

Phillip comes back placing my food in front of me. Philly cheese streak!!😍

"Mmm looks good" Alex tries to get a piece, but I move my food out of her reach.

"So, did you have fun Phillip?" Martha ask sipping her drink.

"Oh yea, this is better than staying at my aunt place, because she always strict" Phillip glares at his food.

"Where are you from?" Alex asks.


"Any siblings?"


"How about a girlfriend?" Martha asks, and now that I think about it his phones been ringing off the hook the whole time we were shopping.

"No" he laughs.

"Girls, the questions." I glare at both of them.

"They're fine."

Alex, give me a look like, Bitch- Try-Me- Again! "Why'd you move?"

Phillip grows quiet. "Me and my sister got fostered recently by our aunt who saved us from an abusive home."

"I'm so sorry to hear that" Martha says sincerely.

"I'm sorry" Alex says at the same time.

"Don't be! I'm okay now" he fake smiles.

"So...change of subject" I call out.

"Great idea!" Alex says."Do you need a ride to school?"

"NO, I'm good" Phillip answers her.

"Mom just text me saying she needs us home" Martha looks directly at me. I nod, trying to finishing my food in a hurry. We ended up leaving 15 minutes later , dropping off Phillip first.

"Thank you so much for this" Phillip says before he leaves.

"Yea" Alex and I say.

"Of course Phillip, anytime" Martha smiles.

# Srry for short chapter. Just realized it is soooo short. I'm so used to make long chapters now(my fault readers). - July 27, 2018

Sorry for the short chapter. Please comment and help me out with the story or just tell me if you like it the way it's heading. Thank you for all your support!

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