Chapter 6

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Photo of Phillip Staffing

Later on this morning my eyes flutter open to the sunlight blaring from my one and only bedroom window. I don't remember on what actually happen with what me and Martha did early this morning, until Martha storms into my room and sits on my bed staring at me.

"What?" I rub my eyes.

"He knows we did it" she says.

I stare at her.


"Well, technically he knows I did it, he didn't see us actually do it, but I did give him a piece of my mind yesterday, and he just knows." she slides down next to me.

"Well, shit Martha, is he going to sue you?."

"No, he wouldn't be stupid enough to do that", she smiles.

"Okay" I don't see how this can be flattering to her.

"But he does want to talk to me though"


"I know, but what else am I going to do?" she sighs.

"Come with me today"

"Where?" Martha stands up off my bed.


"No way" she protest.

"Please for me" I plea.

"Why would you go there?".

"Well, there's this really cute boy over there, and I just want to get to know him" I start to feel hot. I can't believe I'm getting butterflies just talking about him.

"Oh my Gush! Your blushing" she teases.

"Stop it" I laugh, getting even warmer.

"I'll go with you. Just let me know when?".

"Will do Martha" I smile. Then she is gone, just like a small breeze.

I climb out of bed into Tom when my phone rings scaring the living shit out of me. I fell to the floor regretting I ever allowed Alex to call me this morning. I try my best to get to my phone before the call ended, but I didn't make it.


"Hello" I answer.

"Hey, what time you want me over?" Alex says into the phone.

"In a couple of hours, I'm still tired"

"Great, I'm on my way" she disconnects.

I sit back into Tom rubbing my forehead with my thumbs. I don't know when I got this headache, but it's been happening lately and not going away. Maybe I should tell my mom, but I don't want to worry her. And Alex never listens to me when she is in her special moods. I wheel myself out into the kitchen to see a note on the kitchen counter.

Conner and Martha,

James and I will be out most of the day. Appointments and ect.

Love Mom XOXO

Today is going to be greater than I thought. Mom never leaves without me, because 1) Mom never leaves without me and 2) Mom never leaves without me. This is going to be great.

As I'm making my brunch Martha comes in slamming the cabinets and then finally looks at mom's note.

"Even better" Martha says grabbing her cup and pouring herself some coffee. "You sure are eating alot".

"Yea, all your early morning missions made me tired and now I'm hungry." Martha sits next to me at the kitchen table as I take a bite of my sandwich. I can tell she is staring at me. "Don't judge"

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