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The drive back home was one of complete silence.Yasir had not spoken a word and Hisham too did not want to probe him.He himself felt hurt by what had happened but at the same time he was extremely relieved.

He was now sure that Yasir would not get married.Especially not to Yumnah.He knew that it was extremely selfish of him to think that way but that was what was best for his little brother.He very well knew that his overprotectiveness was becoming toxic but who could really blame him?

Yasir was his little brother and would always be.

He still clearly remembered the day when they had brought Yasir home.He, himself had gone to the hospital to bring his baby brother.He had been five years old then and just from that tender age, he had learnt to change his baby brother's diapers.

They had then come to learn of Yasir's blindness a few weeks later but that had just increased his love for his little brother.

"Take care of your brother Hisham,"
his mother always used to say and that is what he had permanently embedded in heart,mind and soul.To take care of his little brother.

Then how could someone call him selfish?

The day Yasir had first called his name just felt like yesterday to him.

"Hisham!" he had said smiling showing off few of his new milk teeth.

"No Yasir.You have to call me Akhi.I am your Akhi okay?"

"Okay...Akheeeeeeeee," Yasir had answered at once.

And he had become his Akhi from then on.That one Akhi who did everything for his brother.

He still could easily recall how they would play football together.He used to place the ball right infront of Yasir's legs.

"Okay Yasir,kick the ball."

Yasir would then kick the ball many at times missing it.

"Did i score Akhi?" he would ask happily.

"Of course you did.Well done bro," Hisham would then lie.

Whenever they went to their father's numerous business parties,he was the one who would take care of Yasir.

"Where is Yasir?Will he be okay?" people would ask his mother.

"He will be fine. Hisham is with him," his mother would then reply.

Those numerous times Yasir would get hurt,it was him who used to run to him even before his mother.It was him who had numerous band aids instead of toys in his drawer.

He was the one who packed their school lunch always ensuring that his brother got an extra sandwich to eat during recess.

"Hisham, let me do it.Go have your breakfast," said his mother.

"No Mama,you dont know how to make it the way Yasir likes it."

"Okay,how does he like it then?Teach me then il make it tomorrow for both of you."

"Sorry Mama,but its our secret recipe," he would reply.

It had always been a simple jam sandwich,but Yasir always liked it better when his Akhi made it.

And they still had their jam sandwiches together till date.

Yasir was his world and would continue to be.That is why he did not want his brother to get married,call it selfishness or not but that was what was best for him.

He stopped the car in the driveway and turned to look at Yasir who still had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Yasir,we are home."

"Oh!Jazakallah for dropping me back Akhi," said Yasir and immediately felt for the door handle and opened it.

Hisham got out of the car and watched his brother slowly walk away.He always needed help on the rough pavement but today he had not even asked instead he was furiously tapping his cane on the coarse pavement trying to find his way in.

He watched the man infront of him keenly.The man who had been extremeley humiliated.He slowly followed his brother inside dreading on what he would tell their mother.She too would break down after hearing about what happened at Yumnah's house.It had been horrible.

"Yasir,so il see you tomorrow then?"he asked at the same time gesturing to their butler to take Yasir upstairs.

"In Sha Allah," replied Yasir softly as he made his way to his room.

Their mother came out of the kitchen at that very precise moment much to Hisham's dismay.Just one look at Yasir and she already knew that something was off.

"What happened Hisham?" she asked worriedly wiping her wet hands on her apron.

"Just let him be Mama," he softly whispered.

He then turned and quickly left the house before his mother would see his tear stained eyes.

As he made his way to the car he felt his phone buzz.It had been buzzing the whole time he had been in the car but he had not picked up knowing it was her.

"What?"he snapped after picking up the phone.

"Hisham, you are one shameless man.How can you leave your newly wed bride at home and then go roaming with your brother?" said Zulekha from the other end of the line.

"I was not roaming and i am on my way home," he said and cut the call.

It had only been two hours since he had left her and she was already whining.

This is exactly what he didnt want for Yasir.

And him being the big brother,he would ensure that it would never happen.

Come what may!


She passed her fingers gently over the coloured roses tears spilling from her eyes.It was the most beautiful bouquet she had ever seen.Her very first set of roses from him.

She was sure that he was the one who had chosen them.He maybe be blind but he was the only one who would have such colourful thoughts.

She wondered how he was fairing on.She herself had been extremely hurt by her mother's words so she could only but imagine what he must be going through.

If only he knew that none of her mother's words mattered to her, in fact none of them were even true.

She loved him for who he truly was.

She heard a soft knock on the door and she quickly wiped off her tears knowing it was her father.

"Yumnah,can come in?"

"Yes Papa," she said trying to steady her quivering voice.

Bilal gently opened the door not knowing how to face his sensitive daughter.He had been dumbfounded when he had come to know of what had happened.He did not even know how he would face his friend Hussein.It was absolutely embarassing.

"Yumnah?" he asked not knowing how to break the news to her.

"Yes Papa?"

He passed his hand through his hair in frustration.All this was wrong but he could do nothing about it could he?


"I am sorry Yumnah but Yasir just called.He said his answer is no!"

And just like that, Yumnah's world came crashing down.

Once again.








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