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As Yasir made his way to into the living room, he could not help but wonder if 'Hitler' had previously worked as a secret agent or something along those lines before he opened his construction business. Or what if the construction business was just but a facade and in reality 'Hitler' actually did work or was still working for the FBI or something?

Was that even possible?

Or had he installed Cctv cameras in their offices as well as in the mansion? He shuddered just at the thought. The last thing he wanted was to find out that Baba was secretly watching them. That would for sure be the most creepiest thing on earth.

And it had been pretty much obvious that Baba would have come to find out about the transfer of shares but never had he expected it to be so soon. Like what? Hadn't he just signed those documents around an hour ago? Then how did 'Hitler'...

Guess he would never find out.

He took in a deep breath afterwhich he walked into the living room mentally preparing himself for the worst.

"Baba..." he began but was immediately cut short.

"What the hell Yasir? What is this that I am hearing?"

"Baba listen..."

"Why the hell did you do it Yasir?"


"I cannot believe this nonsense."

"Baba, can I at least say something?" asked Yasir, his voice slightly rising.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me."


"Shut up! Just shut up, okay?"

"Hussein, what is wrong? Why are you shouting at him like that?" asked Yasmin, her voice slightly quivering.

For the thirty years she had been married to Hussein, never had she seen him this furious and seeing this new side of him scared her.

"This son of yours..."

"What did he do?"

Hussein remained silent as he scrutinized his son with murderous eyes.

"Hussein, I asked, what did he do?"

"He gave away part of his inheritance!"

Yasmin immediately let out a gasp while Yumnah just stood still not knowing what was going on.

"What? He gave away his shares? But gave it away to who?"

"Ask him yourself."


But Yasir remained silent for a while, his head hung low.

"Yasir my child, aren't you going to answer your Mama?" she asked as she took his hand and squeezed it.

"I gave them to Akhi."

"What? but why?"

"That is what I also want to know. Why the hell did you have to give away your shares and that too without asking me for my permission? The hell why?" shouted Hussein.

"They are my shares Baba."

"Excuse me?"

"Baba, I..."

"Did he just say that they are his shares Yasmin? Is this why I gave each one of them equal shares of MY company so that one day they can stand in front of me and tell me that the shares are theirs?"

HER BLIND HUSBAND ( A Wattpad Featured Story)Where stories live. Discover now