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A link.

A missing link!

There had to be a missing link somewhere. There had to be at least something that when brought into the picture, would make everything else make sense. Something that would bring everything to light. Something that he, Khaleel Othman had missed.

But what?

Just what was it?

He passed his hand multiple times over his beard, a huge frown on his face as he deeply thought about all that had happened.

Nothing made sense to him.

Nothing at all!

Just how could a strong and beautiful family such as theirs break and that too within a span of a day? What had caused Hisham to make such a drastic decision? What had he been hiding? What had hurt his brother so so deeply that he had decided to just walk away?

What? What? What?

Just what?

Or should he say who?

"Cruella Deville aka Devil aka Zulekha Akram," he whispered to himself, his frown growing deeper and deeper by the second as he thought of the one woman he always had his doubts on.

"All that woman needs is a similar coat and she can actually fit Cruella's description and that too PERFECTLY.

"And its not like I'm hating on her as ALWAYS but like seriously, even their names match...Cruella-Zulekha, Cruella-Zulekha and I don't even want to get started about the makeup. Like at times I even wonder who got inspired from the other...," he once again muttered to himself, totally oblivious of the fact that he was talking to himself.

He then out of frustration, repeatedly raked his fingers through his hair as he tried to figure out as to how Zulekha fell in to all that had happened.

Like he knew it was her. It was always her. He could feel it. That woman was definitely guilty but how?

Just how could he prove it?

"Now if only I had joined the Mafia after finishing high school. Things would have been much much easier right now," he said to himself as thoughts of Zulekha bundled up in a tiny dark room in the middle of nowhere, flashed across his mind.

He smiled slightly as he imagined her tied up on a chair, a gun to her forehead at the same time imagining himself sitting across the very same room, a huge cigar in his mouth as he waited for her to speak up or rather blurt out all that she had done.

"But no, smoking is Haram and injurious to health. Guess I just wouldn't have fit the picture but unless there is something out there like a Halal Mafia which I know there isn't. Great. Just great," he said to himself, a genuinely very disappointed look on his face.

"And fine! Like it's quite understandable as to why I, Khaleel Othman could not join the Mafia but what I absolutely cannot understand is as to why I do not own any Mafia friends? Where are those 'important' people when you actually need them?" he said as he picked up his phone and literally began scrolling through his entire contact list.

He kept scrolling and immediately rolled his eyes when he stopped next the name Daniel - a close friend of his who was also an accountant.

"Hmm. Daniel the famous accountant. What are you even going to help me with my friend? Help me count my problems? No, thank you!" he said as he continued scrolling, an extremely pissed off look all over his face.

He then once again came to a stop next to another friend of his who went by the name Matt and to say that he mentally threw up a couple of times would be an understatement.

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