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Khaleel stared at the large pile of files on his desk and sighed. He couldn't believe that he had to carefully read through each file, rectify all the mistakes and in the end, Khalo would just but sign.

Talk about torture.

He opened another file and immediately palmed his face. The font was way too small. Was someone trying to kill him or what?

He just couldn't wait for Sunday. He planned to sleep in after fajr and then in the afternoon, he would go to the mansion to have his Khaltu's delicious chicken noodle soup.

Now that was a plan.

He smiled to himself as he picked up his phone and dialled her number. He better ask her to make it for him from now.

"Asalam aleikum my son," she said excitedly as soon as she picked up.

"Waleikum salam Khaltu. How is the most beautiful woman on this planet doing today?"

He heard her chuckle from the other end of the line and his smile widened.

"Alhamdullilah and how are you?"

"Tired. Very tired Khaltu. You're husband is overworking me. Can i sue him?" he asked.

"Of course you can. No one should disturb my son."

"Aaah but then you will start crying and I will feel guilty. Lets just forgive him this one time," said Khaleel laughing.

He heard her burst out in laughter and he palmed his face. At times he wasn't sure who took after her. Yasir or Hisham?

"By the way Khaltu, I called to ask you if you can make for me you're delicious chicken noodle soup this Sunday. Ive been craving for it for over a month now."

"Of course I will. Hisham has also given me a long list of what he wants to eat this weekend. Il cook for both of you."

"What? Hisham too? Khaltu, make my soup first okay? Hisham is married and still gets to eat good food while you're Khaleelo here, survives on bread and jam all week," he joked.

"Aah...then I have to get my Khaleelo married as well. I'l get you a nice pretty little wife."

"Have you found someone already?"

"Yeeeeaaaah," she said and Khaleel laughed.

He knew she hadn't. Yet...

"Really? Whats her name?"


"Wow and does this someone make delicious chicken noodle soup like my Khaltu's? " he asked.

"I doubt it."

"Then its a no from me," he said and he heard her once again burst out in laughter.

"Okay Khaltu, I got to go. Please don't forget my soup okay?"

"It will be waiting for you in a large bowl right on the table, In Sha Allah," she said and he smiled.

"Can't wait Khaltu. Asalam aleikum."

"Waleikum salam," she said and hung up.

Khaleel smiled as he too cut the call. Speaking to Khaltu always brightened up his day. He may not call her Mama but she was just like a mother to him. He still could remember the day his parents had died. He had only been nine years old then. Khaltu had immediately engulfed him in a large motherly hug and whispered...

"Don't you worry Khaleel. You're other mother and father are right here okay? And I will love you more than Husna ever did."

And she had stuck to her word till date.

HER BLIND HUSBAND ( A Wattpad Featured Story)Where stories live. Discover now