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Yumnah quickly cut the apples into thin slices hoping they were exactly the same size as the one Mama had shown her.She had come to the kitchen around an hour ago to help Mama make breakfast and just by spending that one hour with her, she could easily tell where Yasir got his loving and caring nature from.

"Mama have i cut them okay?" she asked timidly hoping that she had not ruined the fruits.

"They are way more neater than the way i cut them dear and they are just fruits, why are you so scared?"

Yasmin looked at her daughter in law  in amusement.To be honest, she had not expected Yumnah to come down to help since yesterday had actually been their first day at the Hosseini Mansion.It was too early to come to the kitchen but Yumnah had refused to go back upstairs and in the end she had had to give the girl something to do.

"What else should i do Mama?"

Yasmin laughed shaking her head.Yumnah's eagerness reminded her of her days when she too had been a bride.Those were one of the most cherished days of her life and till date she was glad that she married Hussein.She hoped that Yumnah would be able to say the same thing about Yasir a few years down the line.

"Everything is done my child.JazakAllah love, im usually running around till the last minute but today Alhamdullilah with you're help, we are done."

"Oh really?" asked Yumnah.

"Yes dear."

Yasmin skeptically stared at Yumnah knowing very well what must be running in the young girl's mind.Yes, she had numerous servants at her beck and call then why did she do everything herself especially if it made her late?

"Listen Yumnah, as much as we have numerous servants, its best if a woman prepares her husband's food with her own hands," she began.

Yumnah quickly moved closer to her and listened intently.

"Really Mama?"

"Yes child.I believe that you preparing his food shows how much you love and care for him and that helps more love to blossom in you're marriage.Trust me and knowing Yasir, i think he definitely takes after his father."

"Yasir will appreciate and love you more if you will make something for him out of these two beautiful hands, Yumnah.Even if its burnt toast," she added laughing.

Yumnah nodded her head in understanding.This was so true.

"Thank you Mama, i will always remember this," she said as she gave her a tight hug.

Her relationship with her own mother was still estranged and she was glad to be receiving this type of advice from Yasir's mother.It meant that she did not see her as a daughter in law but rather as a daughter.

"Now go to him dear.See if he needs anything.We have the whole day remaining to talk."

"Okay Mama," said Yumnah happily and left but not before giving Mama another tight hug.

She reached the staircase and just like in her childhood, began skipping a stair at a time only to find a very shocked Hussein at the top.

Hussein stared at his daughter in shock at the same time trying not to burst out in laughter.

"Asalam aleikum Baba," said Yumnah totally red from embarassment.

"Waleikum salam.Are you okay Yumnah?"

"Yes Baba.Sorry i was just cheking if the stairs are still firm like they were when i was small."

Hussein used all his might to hold back his laughter.

HER BLIND HUSBAND ( A Wattpad Featured Story)Where stories live. Discover now