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The last thing Hisham had expected was for Stupid Yusra to bring Yasir to him by bus and that too at midnight.

"I still cannot believe that you made Yasir run after a bus. He could have gotten hurt you know?"

"Oh just grow up Hisham. Yasir loves the bus. Don't you habibi?" she asked as she looked around his house.

Yasir stood still not knowing what to answer. He couldn't say no neither could he say yes. Great.

"Whoa! This is even bigger than the Hosseini Mansion. Hisham are you sure you don't have a side business?"she asked as she slowly took in the grandness of his house.

'Side business like what?"

"Drugs maybe?"

Hisham laughed shaking his head. Drugs? Really now?

"Yes i do, please dont tell Baba though," he said as he helped Yasir sit down on the sofa.

"I knew it. Can i ask you for a loan?"

"Sorry, i don't lend money to family members. One of the Mafia rules," Hisham said smiling.

"Damn it. I knew i should not have married Yasir until like a year later. Just lost myself a loan," Yumnah said pretending to be really disappointed.

"Yumnah I'm sitting right here you know and you are the one who wanted to marry me as soon as possible," said Yasir, a frown on his face.

Waited for a year? Yeah right, as if he would have allowed that.

"Says the person who didn't even want a second meeting."

"It was because of the circumstances at that time. I would have lost you to Muneer," Yasir grumbled.

"Who is Muneer?"

"Thats a story for another day."

Hisham watched the two bicker and he smiled. He had been miserable since he had come back from work but having Yasir and Yumnah over had for sure lightened things up.

"Okay so do you have something like a swing?" asked Yumnah knowing that she needed to give the two brothers some space so that they could talk.

"Does this look like a park?" asked Hisham amusedly.

"Whaaat? Such a big mansion and no swing? What a loser."

Hisham laughed as he opened for her the door to the back garden which had a simple but beautiful swing.

Hisham laughed as he opened for her the door to the back garden which had a simple but beautiful swing

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Yumnah gasped upon seeing it and her eyes immediately began twinkling. Boy, was she going to have fun and that too at midnight.

"Yumnah?" asked Hisham.


"Not sure if you fall under the adult category but please don't make a lot of noise. My wife is sleeping."

HER BLIND HUSBAND ( A Wattpad Featured Story)Where stories live. Discover now